- 1. laymen have proved that the mobic 7.5 mg drug treatmeents tarry leaner with the accelerative outlook of the medicine.
- 外行人已经证明了7.5毫克的药物治疗与药物的加速发展前景是相辅相联的。
- 2. The simulation for line accelerative force off fuse was realized.
- 实现对引信直线加速惯力的模拟。
- 3. China has been entering an overall accelerative transformation period by now.
- 中国目前已经进入全面加速转型期。
- 4. The result shows zinc enrichment phase makes alloy dissolve accelerative and uniformly.
- 结果表明,富锌相的存在使得合金溶解加速,溶解较为均匀。
- 5. A important part in the ionized cluster beam device is adjust-able accelerative field.
- 离化团束装置中的一个重要组成部分就是有一个可调的加速场。
- 6. The practical observations have found that there is an accelerative stage before the two stages.
- 实际观测发现,上述两阶段之前尚有一加速变形阶段。
- 7. In the accelerative stage of urbanization in developed countries, the normal correlation exhibit obviously.
- 发达国家在城市化加速时期,这种相关性表现得相当明显。
- 8. Revving at such massive speeds equates to an accelerative force on the pistons of nearly 9000 times gravity.
- 这么高速的旋转相当于在活塞上施加9000倍的重力。
- 9. We present the relativistic formulae of the velocity, displacement and time in the uniformly accelerative motion.
- 介绍了相对论性匀加速运动的速度,位移和时间计算公式,并给出了它们的。
- 10. There was an increase in the body fat of girls with age, an accelerative increase was found during the late adolescence.
- 女生体脂随年龄的增长而增加,且在青春期后增加迅速。
- 11. The real-time rendering, the accelerative algorithm and the enhanced third dimension technology are comprehensively studied.
- 深入研究了虚拟场景中实时图形绘制与加速算法,以及增强真实感技术。
- 12. The research results can be used as the theoretical basis and auxiliary means for rock mass accelerative consolidation design.
- 本文的研究结果可以作为岩体加速加固设计的理论依据和辅助工具。
- 13. So when calculating the limit of the torque, we should consider to compensate it with the moment and accelerative torque of the paper.
- 同时,文中给出了原纸卷加速转矩和转动惯量的计算公式以及相应的离散化方程。
- 14. The accelerative periods of the earth rotation are well respondent to the moderate earthquakes occurred in Jiangsu, Anhui and adjacent area.
- 地球自转不规则变化的加速段与苏皖及其附近地区中强地震的相关性较好。
- 15. The accelerative creep shows highly nonlinear characteristics; and the creep strain rate displays a discontinuous form, which occurs in jumps change.
- 红砂岩在加速蠕变过程中具有高度的非线性,蠕变应变率随时间呈现跳跃增长特性。
- 16. The character of earthquakes can be explained by a group of strong earthquake activities accelerative of a system which includes many seismic sources.
- 这种强震加速活动特征可以用含多个震源体的孕震系统的强震成组活动模型给予解释。
- 17. A kind of method - accelerative multi-images method is given to the electromagnetic wave propagation prediction to the irregular urban area of this article.
- 本文研究并给出了一种非规则城市环境电波传播的预测方法——加速多镜像法。
- 18. A new scaling analysis to the Vlasov equation which describes gravitational clustering is performed, and then it is argued with universe accelerative expanse modal.
- 利用描述引力系统演化的伏拉索夫方程的标度关系探讨了宇宙中星系团分布的一些标度律,并结合一个宇宙加速模型进行了讨论。
- 19. The function of pulse power system of LIA (Linear Induction Accelerator) is generating accelerative pulse and providing it toaccelerate electronic beam synchronously.
- 在直线感应加速器中,脉冲功率系统的作用是向加速器提供与被加速电子束同步的加速脉冲。
- 20. This study indicates: urban build and traffic sight take on trend of accelerative increase, and that field land and rural inhabitation land sight present descending trend in the area.
- 本项研究表明,研究区内城市建筑景观和城市交通景观呈现加速增长趋势,而耕地景观和农村居住地景观则呈现递减趋势。
- 21. With the process of accelerative industrialization in China, serious environmental geotechnical problems were aroused as a result of the polluted foundation soil by industrial organizations.
- 随着工业化进程加速,工业企业对地基土污染问题已成为较为严重的环境岩土工程问题。
- 22. Conclusion The results prove that excessive fluoride can induce accelerative bone turnover and active bone resorption, and low calcium diet is an important promotive factor of skeletal fluorosis.
- 结论:过量氟造成骨转换增高,破骨性骨吸收增强,低钙偏食是氟骨症的促发因素。
- 23. Conclusion The results prove that excessive fluoride can induce accelerative bone turnover and active bone resorption, and low calcium diet is an important promotive factor of skeletal fluorosis.
- 结论:过量氟造成骨转换增高,破骨性骨吸收增强,低钙偏食是氟骨症的促发因素。