- 1. Rival fans hurled abuse at each other.
- 两帮对立的球迷相互高声辱骂。
- 2. The abuse was directed at the TV crews.
- 辱骂是针对电视台工作人员的。
- 3. What went on here was an abuse of power.
- 这里发生的情况是职权的滥用。
- 4. Quick-thinking TV bosses bleeped out the abuse.
- 思维敏捷的电视台长们用哔哔声盖过了辱骂声。
- 5. It's natural to feel helpless against such abuse.
- 对这种虐待感到无能为力是自然的。
- 6. The women acted in self-defence after years of abuse.
- 这些妇女遭受了多年的虐待后终于起来自卫了。
- 7. What she did was an abuse of her position as manager.
- 她的所作所为是滥用经理职权。
- 8. In the past they have been the target of racist abuse.
- 过去他们一直是种族虐待的对象。
- 9. He addressed the clinical aspects of paedophilia and abuse.
- 他谈及了恋童癖和虐待的临床方面。
- 10. Abuse can lead to both psychological and emotional problems.
- 虐待可造成心理和情绪上的问题。
- 11. They were jostled and subjected to a torrent of verbal abuse.
- 他们被推来搡去,并受到了潮水般的辱骂。
- 12. The abuse of women needs to be treated seriously and sensitively.
- 虐待妇女的问题需要严肃、小心地对待。
- 13. Drug abuse has long been a major problem for the authorities there.
- 毒品滥用长期以来一直是那里的当局的一大难题。
- 14. The abuse of your powers does harm to all other officers who do their job properly.
- 你滥用权力有损于所有其他好好工作的政府官员。
- 15. I don't know why the guy yelled at me. And as for going back there, certainly I would never go back, for fear of receiving further abuse.
- 我不知道为什么这个家伙冲我吼叫。至于回到那儿去,我肯定永远也不会回去了,生怕遭到更多的虐待。
- 16. The system is open to abuse.
- 这项制度容易被滥用。
- 17. She let loose a stream of abuse.
- 她破口大骂起来。
- 18. She screamed abuse at him.
- 她对他破口大骂。
- 19. He came out with a stream of abuse.
- 他讲了一连串的脏话。
- 20. She let fly with a stream of abuse.
- 她破口大骂了一通。
- 21. She suffered years of physical abuse.
- 她遭受了多年的肉体摧残。
- 22. Newspapers resorted to personal abuse.
- 报纸搞起了人身攻击。
- 23. The descriptions of sexual abuse are graphic.
- 这些对于性虐待的描述清楚而具体。
- 24. I was left shouting abuse as the car sped off.
- 当车加速离去时,我在那里破口大骂。
- 25. The system, though well-meaning, is open to abuse.
- 尽管这个制度立意很好,却容易遭到滥用。
- 26. The government is taking action to combat drug abuse.
- 政府正在采取措施,打击滥用毒品。
- 27. He had not, until recently, stooped to personal abuse.
- 他最近才卑鄙到进行人身攻击。
- 28. She snarled abuse at anyone who happened to walk past.
- 谁碰巧走过,她就冲谁叫骂。
- 29. He turned around and directed a torrent of abuse at me.
- 他转过身对我破口大骂了一通。
- 30. Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse.
- 这一地区的许多犯罪都与吸毒有关。