- 1. He has a genuine and abiding love of the craft.
- 他对这门手艺有着一种发自内心和持久不变的热爱。
- 2. By and large, these people are peace-loving, law-abiding citizens.
- 这些人总的来说都是热爱和平,遵纪守法的公民。
- 3. We believe that the law should protect decent law-abiding citizens and their property.
- 我们相信法律会保护正派守法的公民及其财产。
- 4. The real problem is the person who gives way to a sudden temptation and is in all other respects an honest and law-abiding citizen.
- 真正的问题是那些突然屈服于诱惑的人,这些人在其他所有方面都是诚实和守法的公民。
- 5. Another urge or need that these gardens appear to respond to, or to arise from is so intrinsic that we are barely ever conscious of its abiding claims on us.
- 这些花园似乎所回应或所产生的另一种期望或需要如此潜藏于内在,以至于我们几乎从未意识到它对我们的持久要求。
- 6. His abiding passion was ocean racing, at which he scored many successes.
- 他长期的爱好是海上赛艇,并曾赢得多次胜利。
- 7. Their belief in the Magic was an abiding thing.
- 他们对魔法的信仰是永恒不变的。
- 8. But sorrow is strong and abiding.
- 哀愁却是坚强而耐久。
- 9. His abiding love for Laurene sustained him.
- 对劳伦的爱让他坚持。
- 10. The place had also a more abiding defect; it drank hard.
- 这个地方还有一个根深蒂固的毛病,就是酗酒很厉害。
- 11. To the extent that OK Cupid has any abiding faith, it is in mathematics.
- 在这件事上“OK丘比特”有不变的信仰,这就是数学。
- 12. But September is when the abiding wonder makes itself know in a subtler way.
- 但却是九月让我们不知不觉地感受这种永恒奇迹。
- 13. Einstein's analytic meditation and calm abiding can be a help getting there.
- 爱因斯坦的分析和冷静的沉思能够帮他达到这个层次。
- 14. West Point training: punctual, and law-abiding strictly, integrity and strength.
- 西点训条:准时、守纪、严格、正直、刚毅。
- 15. Americans traditionally had an abiding faith in the power of enlightened activism.
- 传统意义上来说,美国人一贯信奉开明行动主义。
- 16. None of this is exactly fair on those law-abiding sorts who do pay their taxes, of course.
- 当然,对于那些遵章守法纳税的人来说,这不公平。
- 17. From her evangelical childhood Buck emerged with an abiding faith in the power of fiction.
- 童年时候就受到父亲作为传教士的耳濡目染,赛珍珠形成了对文学的力量执着信仰。
- 18. We share an abiding interest in a more prosperous Southeast Asia and a more peaceful world.
- 在一个越来越繁荣的东南亚和一个更加和平的世界,我们分享了紧密的利益。
- 19. Throughout my life, I have always taken my deep and abiding love for this country as a given.
- 在我的一生中,我一贯认为我深深热爱这个国家已成为自身的秉性。
- 20. Law-abiding people have sustained too many blanket attacks on their privacy and they've had enough.
- 安纪守法的人们遭到了太多关于隐私问题的大范围攻击的无辜波及,他们已经承受太多了。
- 21. After lending mishaps in Latin America in the 1970s his bank has an abiding desire to be cautious.
- 由于在70年代拉丁美洲的贷款上出了意外,东京三菱银行有一直怀有一个愿望,就是要谨慎。
- 22. In some cultures, law-abiding citizens try to keep the letter of the law. That is, whatever the law says, they do.
- 在一些文化中,守法的公民会试着完全遵守法律的字面规定,也就是说,不管法律怎么规定,他们都会照着去做。
- 23. THE red Routemaster bus is one of London's abiding ICONS, its curvaceous silhouette as recognisable as Big Ben.
- “司路者”公交车是伦敦具有历史感的标志之一,其流线型的轮廓使之同大本钟一样容易辨识。
- 24. In some cultures, law - abiding citizens try to keep the letter of the law. That is, whatever the law says, they do.
- 在一些文化中,守法的公民会试着完全遵守法律的字面规定,也就是说,不管法律怎么规定,他们都会照着去做。
- 25. In some cultures, law - abiding citizens try to keep the letter of the law. That is, whatever the law says, they do.
- 在一些文化中,守法的公民会试着完全遵守法律的字面规定,也就是说,不管法律怎么规定,他们都会照着去做。