- 1. Bhavishya Purana explicitly identifies them with Zoroastrianism.
- 未来往世书明确地把他们鉴别为琐罗亚斯德教徒。
- 2. In Zoroastrianism, the elements are sacred and the body is corrupt.
- 根据索罗亚斯德教教规,大自然元素是神圣庄严的,而人的身体却是腐朽的。
- 3. The chief deity of Zoroastrianism, the creator of the world, the source of light, and the embodiment of good.
- 奥尔穆兹德拜火教(波斯教)的主要神明,世界的创造者、光明的源泉和善的化身。
- 4. After centuries of obscurity, the ancient faith of Zoroastrianism had a new visibility, and a symbolic standard to raise.
- 几个世纪的陷匿之后,琐罗亚斯德教的古代信仰拥有一个新的可见度,一个新的象征标准上升了。
- 5. Possible objections are that these characteristics are not unique to Zoroastrianism, nor are they necessarily characteristic of the belief in Maitreya.
- 很可能的异议就是这些特征并不是只有琐罗亚斯德教才唯一地拥有,他们也不是必要地表现为信仰弥勒。
- 6. The concept of the fravashi as guardian spirit does not occur in the Gathas of Zarathushtra. But in later Zoroastrianism, it becomes a most important idea.
- 法拉瓦什代表一个守卫之灵魂的概念并没有出现在琐罗亚斯德的《迦特》上,但在后期的琐罗亚斯德教里,它变成一个最重要的思想。
- 7. There are three layers of feathers in the wings, and these three layers stand for the Threefold Path of Zoroastrianism: good thoughts, good words, and good deeds.
- 翼上有三层羽毛,这三层羽毛代表琐罗亚斯德的三重道路:良好的思想,良好的言词和良好的行为。
- 8. Zoroastrianism art of Sassanian Persia had had very wide influence on the different arts in Nanbei Chao and Sui and Tang dynasty, the western part of China in particular.
- 萨珊波斯琐罗亚斯德教艺术在南北朝至隋唐艺术各个美术门类的影响曾经非常广泛,尤其在中国西部地区。
- 9. Zoroastrianism art of Sassanian Persia had had very wide influence on the different arts in Nanbei Chao and Sui and Tang dynasty, the western part of China in particular.
- 萨珊波斯琐罗亚斯德教艺术在南北朝至隋唐艺术各个美术门类的影响曾经非常广泛,尤其在中国西部地区。