- 1. He was an ardent Zionist.
- 他是一个狂热的犹太复国主义者。
- 2. S. intervened to prevent condemnation of the Zionist settler state.
- 美国进行干预,防止国家谴责犹太复国主义定居者。
- 3. At the Zionist Congress itself, Rosenblueth made a last plea against activism.
- 在犹太复国主义者大会上,Rosenblueth与激进主义路线做了最后一次较量。
- 4. "At the same time," World Zionist Organization "to set up and begin activities."
- 与此同时,“世界犹太复国主义组织”成立并开始活动。
- 5. The group vowed to "retaliate for this Zionist crime at the appropriate time and place."
- 该组织发誓,“在适当的时间和地点,对犹太复国主义罪行实施报复行动。”
- 6. Because nothing says Zionist conspiracy like angry Germans screaming in front of a big crowd.
- 因为没人说犹太复国主义阴谋就像愤怒的德国人在人群面前尖叫。
- 7. We Arabs, especially the educated among us, look with deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement...
- 我们阿拉伯人,尤其其中受过教育的那一部分,对于犹太复国运动怀有最深挚的同情。
- 8. When his successor, Harry Truman, committed himself to the Zionist cause, the Saudi monarch felt betrayed.
- 当他的继任者哈里·杜鲁门致力于犹太复国目标时,这位沙特国王感到自己上当受骗。
- 9. Anyone who is on the side of the zionist regime is as if veil were over their eyes. They have eyes but they cannot see.
- 所有站在犹太复国运动者这边的人都被面纱遮住了双眼,他们有眼睛但是什么都看不不到。
- 10. Toward the end of the 19th century Jews began to return to their traditional homeland as the Zionist movement was born.
- 由于犹太复国运动的诞生,到十九世纪末,犹太人开始返回他们的原本的家园。
- 11. End of the 19th century, the Zionist movement in the rise all over the world, into a large number of Jews all over Palestine.
- 19世纪末,犹太复国主义运动在世界各地兴起,各地的犹太人大批移入巴勒斯坦。
- 12. Next, the Balfour Declaration. Then in 1942 the NYC Zionist proclamation demanding a State of Israel in the WHOLE of Palestine.
- 接着,是贝尔福宣言。然后在1942年,纽约城的犹太复国主义者宣称他们寻求在整个巴勒斯坦建立一个以色列国家。
- 13. In 1896, the Hungarian Association of Jewish Lawyers and Herzl published "Jewish State", put forward the integrity of the Zionist ideology.
- 1896年,匈牙利犹太律师赫茨尔又出版了《犹太国》一书,完整地提出了犹太复国主义的思想。
- 14. To remain within the Zionist consensus, aliyah Hadashah had to give its full support to aliyah and settlement and reject the 1939 White Paper.
- 为了维持犹太复国主义者的共识,AliyahHadashah被迫全面力支持阿利亚和拒绝1939年白皮书。
- 15. End of the 19th century, Europe has emerged large-scale wave of anti-Semitism, the Zionist movement and the ideas which have a corresponding rise.
- 19世纪末,欧洲出现了大规模反犹太主义浪潮,犹太复国主义的思潮和运动也由此相应兴起。
- 16. The limited funds of the Zionist movement made it unable to afford such a policy on a massive scale, though some steps in that direction were taken.
- 虽然已经采取了一些步骤,但犹太复国主义的有限的资金不可能承受得起一个如此大规模的计划政策。
- 17. While Israeli scientists say the bird was part of a migration study, local residents told the Saudi media that it was most likely part of a "Zionist plot."
- 虽然以色列科学家称这只鸟是鸟类迁徙研究的一部分,但当地居民告诉沙特媒体,它很可能是“犹太复国主义者阴谋”的一部分。
- 18. But when a Zionist historian thus slurs over something the seeker after knowledge may be fairly sure that the root of the matter may by perseverance be found.
- 但是,当犹太复国主义历史学家,因此辱骂超过一些导引头后,知识可以相当肯定的根源,这个问题可借毅力找到。
- 19. For instance, blogs from Latin America, the USA and Pakistan have accused al Jazeera as being part of a neo-conservative, Western Imperialist, Zionist conspiracy.
- 例如,在拉美、美国和巴基斯坦的许多博客指责半岛电视台是新保守主义、西方帝国主义和犹太复国阴谋的帮凶。
- 20. Until August 29, 1897 in Basel, Switzerland held the first World Zionist Congress, only to end up in the eyes of the Jewish culture of the root - the Palestinians.
- 直到1897年8月29日在瑞士巴塞尔召开的第一次世界犹太复国主义者代表大会,才将其最终定在犹太人心目中的文化根——巴勒斯坦。
- 21. The evidence: Ever since noted Zionist director Steven Spielberg released Jaws in 1975, nothing has been able to put a damper on a tourist season faster than a shark on the loose.
- 证据:自从犹太复国主义导演史蒂文•斯皮尔伯格于1975年拍摄“大白鲨”后,没有什么比一条散漫的鲨鱼更能影响旅游季了。
- 22. "The Zionist Jews who are running these big Banks and the Federal Reserve... need to be run out of this country," she said in the taped interview with Reason TVthat then went viral on YouTube.
- 那些掌控着大银行和美联储的犹太复国主义猪们……应该被从这个国家清除出去。
- 23. "The Zionist Jews who are running these big Banks and the Federal Reserve... need to be run out of this country," she said in the taped interview with Reason TVthat then went viral on YouTube.
- 那些掌控着大银行和美联储的犹太复国主义猪们……应该被从这个国家清除出去。