- 1. Reporter Zachariah Hughes says that neither King nor Zirkle was injured.
- 记者撒迦利亚·休斯说,国王和泽克尔都没有受伤。
- 2. Reporter Zachariah Hughes, says that neither King nor Zirkle was injured.
- 记者撒迦利亚·休斯说,国王和契尔克都没有受伤。
- 3. His mother's name also was Abi, the daughter of Zachariah.
- 他母亲名叫亚比,是撒迦利雅的女儿。
- 4. And this is the prophecy that comes with the angel to Zachariah.
- 这是天使带给撒迦利亚的预言。
- 5. Lk. 1:40 and entered into the house of Zachariah and greeted Elizabeth.
- 路一40进了撒迦利亚的家,问以利沙伯安。
- 6. Mr Zachariah said that he is now working with a number of people to exploit commercial potential from the device.
- 撒迦利亚先生说,他现在正在与许多人致力开发这种装置的商业潜力。
- 7. Look at 1:14.this is talking about the birth of John the Baptist, his father is the priest Zachariah, his mother is Elizabeth.
- 看1:14,这是关于圣约翰洗者的出生的,他的父亲是祭司撒迦利亚,他的母亲是以利沙伯。
- 8. Lk. 3:2 During the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John the son of Zachariah in the wilderness.
- 路三2亚那和该亚法作大祭司。那时,撒迦利亚的儿子约翰在旷野里,神的话临到他。
- 9. Lk. 1:59 and on the eighth day they came to circumcise the little child, and they tried to call him after the name of his father, Zachariah.
- 路一59到了第八日,他们来要给孩子行割礼,并有意照他父亲的名字,叫他撒迦利亚。
- 10. The Morgan was built in the shipyard of Jethro and Zachariah Hillman and named after Charles Waln Morgan, a Philadelphia Quaker who was its first main owner.
- 摩根号捕鲸船的建造地点在杰思罗和扎卡里亚·希尔曼船厂,并且以查尔斯·沃尔恩·摩根的名字命名,此公是费城教友派成员,也是该船的第一个主要船东。
- 11. The hospital is known for serving uninsured and underinsured people, but Brian Zachariah, the director of emergency medicine, reckons that it will have to cut back on this.
- 该院因为为没有保险和保险额不足的病人服务而闻名,但是急诊部的主任BrianZachariah认为现在它将不得不砍掉这种服务。
- 12. The hospital is known for serving uninsured and underinsured people, but Brian Zachariah, the director of emergency medicine, reckons that it will have to cut back on this.
- 该院因为为没有保险和保险额不足的病人服务而闻名,但是急诊部的主任BrianZachariah认为现在它将不得不砍掉这种服务。