- 1. He saw the Yugoslav break-up coming.
- 他看到了南斯拉夫未来的解体。
- 2. But then the Yugoslav made his big mistake.
- 但另一方面南斯拉夫犯了他的大错误。
- 3. The Yugoslav tribunal got going 16 years ago.
- 南斯拉夫特别法庭建立于16年前。
- 4. Yugoslav striker Savo Milosevic had headed Parma ahead.
- 南斯拉夫前锋米赫洛域头球破网为帕尔马领先。
- 5. In the last Yugoslav census in 1991, Bosnia had a population of 4.3m.
- 在上一次1991年南斯拉夫人口普查中,波斯尼亚有430万人口。
- 6. The euro and the Yugoslav dinar are both accepted currencies in Kosovo.
- 欧元以及南斯拉夫第纳尔共为科索沃的官方货币。
- 7. Friedrich Dobl, a Yugoslav working in Germany, was fed up with traffic jams.
- 南斯拉夫的工作在德国,厌烦用交通堵塞。
- 8. BH ranked next to Macedonia as the poorest republic in the old Yugoslav federation.
- 波黑在老南斯拉夫联邦是仅次于马其顿王国的最贫穷的国家。
- 9. Tito era to do so, obviously is to "Yugoslav" identity and identity separate from Serbia.
- 铁托时代这样做,明显是要把“南斯拉夫”认同与塞尔维亚认同分开。
- 10. The air strikes were delayed when four thousand Yugoslav special police officers were withdrawn from Kosovo.
- 由于4000名南斯拉夫特警从科索沃撤离,空中打击暂缓执行。
- 11. Ethan: He used to be a (6)sergeant in the (7)Yugoslav army. At least if you go downtown, you'll be safe with him.
- 伊森:他曾是南斯拉夫陆军士官。起码如果你要进城,跟他一起保证安全。
- 12. In the Yugoslav days 80% of Macedonia's grapes were exported in bulk and ended up bottled elsewhere in Yugoslavia, or abroad.
- 在南斯拉夫时代,80%的马其顿葡萄会大批出口,最终在南斯拉夫或国外被酿成葡萄酒并装瓶销售。
- 13. Awkwardly, the best-known wine from (the former Yugoslav) Macedonia is “T’ga za Jug”, which translates as “longing for the south”.
- 最终让人感到尴尬的是,(前南斯拉夫)马其顿最好的葡萄酒却是“T’ga zaJug”,翻译过来的意思则是“渴望南州”。
- 14. He commanded a landing craft taking part in the invasion of Sicily and Elba and later ferried supplies to the Yugoslav partisans.
- 他指挥一艘登陆艇参加了在进攻西西里和厄尔巴岛的战斗,之后又为南斯拉夫游击队运输补给。
- 15. When Yugoslavia disintegrated in the early 1990s the Serbs, backed by Serbia and the Yugoslav army, carved out their own mini-state in Krajina.
- 当南斯拉夫在90年代早期解体的时候,塞尔维亚人在塞尔维亚和南斯拉夫军队的支持下,辛劳拼搏,在克拉基纳创造出了自己的迷你小国。
- 16. Luckily, as the family were in exile in London, Winston Churchill, Britain's wartime prime minister, declared the room Yugoslav territory for the day.
- 幸运的是,亚历山大一家人都在英国流亡的时候,英国战时首相温斯顿·丘吉尔宣布,亚历山大出生当天212房间是南斯拉夫领土。
- 17. During the Yugoslav wars, the city on the Miljacka River was besieged from April 1992 until February 1996, believed to be the longest siege in modern warfare.
- 在南斯拉夫的内战中,这个在米加卡河边的城市于1992年4月到1996年2月被包围,是现代战争史上最长的围城。
- 18. Croatia, the most advanced of the former Yugoslav candidates, is being blocked by its neighbour Slovenia, which joined the EU in 2004, over a boundary dispute.
- 克罗地亚共和国,这个最早脱离南斯拉夫共和国的国家正被其邻国斯洛文尼亚所骚扰,两国因为边界问题不和。 斯洛文尼亚在2004年加入了欧盟。
- 19. The ban made sense for the Yugoslav war, as virtually all the fixed-wing military aircraft in the region were under the control of one side — the Bosnian Serbs.
- 这种禁止在南斯拉夫战争中显示出它的意义,因为当时实际上所有在该地区里的固定机翼军放飞机都被一方控制了—波斯尼亚塞尔维亚人。
- 20. The lively Irishman was steeped in Arsenal history having spent over 30 years at the Club while the thoughtful Yugoslav had worked with Wenger around the globe.
- 充满活力的爱尔兰人如今被载入阿森纳的史册,他在俱乐部呆了超过30年的时间,而睿智的南斯拉夫人则跟随着温格走南闯北。
- 21. "There are three countries in the Western Balkans that are aspiring to join. That is Croatia, Albania, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia," Appathurai said.
- 阿帕修雷说:“有三个巴尔干西部国家有意加入北约,它们是克罗地亚、阿尔巴尼亚和前南斯拉夫的马其顿。”
- 22. This was due to the ongoing Yugoslav wars, which had prevented agreement being reached on the disposition of federal assets and liabilities, particularly the national debt.
- 正在进行的南斯拉夫战争,阻碍了关于联邦资产和债务,尤其是国家负债的协议的达成。
- 23. Famously, he was born in 1945, in Room 212 of London's luxury Claridge's Hotel. But Yugoslav law required that he had to be born on Yugoslav soil in order to become king.
- 众所周知,他于1945年出生于伦敦豪华的克拉里奇酒店212房间,但南斯拉夫法律规定只有出生在南斯拉夫的人才能当国王。
- 24. Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic will act as a king in a new TV series about the life of Yugoslav king Aleksandar Karadjordjevic, according to an announcement in Belgrade.
- 塞尔维亚某剧组日前在贝尔格莱德宣布,将开拍一部有关前南斯拉夫王国国王亚历山大一世的电视剧,而剧中的主演正是塞尔维亚网球明星德约科维奇。
- 25. Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic will act as a king in a new TV series about the life of Yugoslav king Aleksandar Karadjordjevic, according to an announcement in Belgrade.
- 塞尔维亚某剧组日前在贝尔格莱德宣布,将开拍一部有关前南斯拉夫王国国王亚历山大一世的电视剧,而剧中的主演正是塞尔维亚网球明星德约科维奇。