- 1. In order to understand Wicca it is essential to know its roots.
- 为了理解巫术崇拜的本质就要知晓它的根源。
- 2. Lua would be Wicca - A pantheistic language that can easily be adapted for different cultures and locations.
- LUA是 威卡教 ---一种泛神论语言,很容易被不同文化和地域的人群所接受。
- 3. The theory notably gave rise to several neopagan religions, such as Wicca and Stregheria in the 20th century.
- 很明显,该理论使某些新异教信仰如20世纪的现代巫术有所增长。
- 4. The morality of wicca is based heavily on free will allowing inpidual freedom with as little interference as possible.
- 巫术崇拜的道德深深建立在自由意志之上,允许个人自由尽可能不与他人产生利益冲突。
- 5. Wicca is based on a deep respect for nature and the certain knowledge that we do not have the right to exploit it for our own gain.
- 巫术崇拜是基于对自然和某种我们自己还没有正确开发利用的有益知识的深深的尊崇。
- 6. Wicca is not traditional folk magic and all magic is not necessarily Wiccan, anymore than all people who pray belong to any particular religion.
- 巫术崇拜不是传统的民间魔法,而所有的魔法不是巫术崇拜者的必须,再也比不上所有的人们恳求属于任何特别的宗教信仰来得重要。
- 7. Wicca is the native tradition for the nations of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, and is rooted in the period before 500 BC which marks the start of the iron age.
- 巫术崇拜是英格兰、苏格兰、爱尔兰和威尔士国家的本土传统,在标志着铁器时代开始的公元前500年流行起来。
- 8. Wicca was illegal in Britain for nearly 1000 years up until 1951, however following it's legalization a large amount of material has been published and Wicca is now accessible to all.
- 在英国直到1951年为止,将近1000年前的时间内巫术崇拜被认为是违法的事情,然而在出版了大量的资料得到法律认可之后,现在巫术崇拜被所有人接受了。
- 9. Wicca was illegal in Britain for nearly 1000 years up until 1951, however following it's legalization a large amount of material has been published and Wicca is now accessible to all.
- 在英国直到1951年为止,将近1000年前的时间内巫术崇拜被认为是违法的事情,然而在出版了大量的资料得到法律认可之后,现在巫术崇拜被所有人接受了。