- 1. "They thought about it for a little while and said, 'Let's do it,'" Mr. Wallach says.
- “他们想了片刻,说‘就这么干吧’”,沃勒克先生说。
- 2. “They thought about it for a little while and said, ‘Let’s do it, ’ ” Mr. Wallach says.
- “他们想了片刻,说‘就这么干吧’”,沃勒克先生说。
- 3. “They want to show they are No. 1 in the world, no matter what it is,” Mr. Wallach said. “I don't blame them.”
- 瓦拉赫先生说,“不管是何物,他们就是想炫耀他们是世界第一,我并不责怪他们。”
- 4. Wallach and Allen take a look at six strategies that could reduce the danger from our own high-tech creations.
- Wallach andAllen从我们高科技的创造性出发看了看6种能够减少危险的策略。
- 5. That is the case in the home of Ari Wallach, a tech-obsessed New York entrepreneur who helps companies update their technology.
- AriWallach的家庭正是如此,他是个纽约的科技狂企业家,亲自为公司升级技术。
- 6. My first coach was Andrew Wallach, a local strongman and the head routesetter at Vertex Climbing Center, in Santa Rosa, California.
- AndrewWallach是我的第一位教练,它是我们那的强人,也是加利福尼亚,圣罗莎,Vertex攀岩中心的首席定线员。
- 7. Steven J. Wallach, a well-known computer designer, played down the importance of taking the top spot on the supercomputer rankings.
- 史蒂芬j。瓦拉赫,一个著名的电脑设计师,淡化了排名上的超级计算机的重要性,采取的头把交椅。
- 8. “It's interesting, but it's like getting to the four-minute mile,” Mr. Wallach said. “The world didn't stop. This is just a snapshot in time.”
- 他说,“这很有趣,就像是突破了极限,但是世界不会止步,这仅仅是这个时间段的参考。”
- 9. Meese also came under fire for the advice he took from longtime friend and attorney E. Robert Wallach, who is now under indictment in the Wedtech scandal.
- 米斯也因为听了他的老友沃勒克律师的忠告而受到抨击。沃律师现正因威泰克丑闻被提起公诉。
- 10. But just because a system can hammer through trillions of calculations per second does not mean it will do well on the specialized jobs that researchers want to use it for, Mr. Wallach added.
- 但是仅仅因为一个系统可以通过计算每第二锤万亿并不意味着它会做很好的使用它的专门工作,研究人员希望,瓦拉赫先生补充说。
- 11. But just because a system can hammer through trillions of calculations per second does not mean it will do well on the specialized jobs that researchers want to use it for, Mr. Wallach added.
- 但是仅仅因为一个系统可以通过计算每第二锤万亿并不意味着它会做很好的使用它的专门工作,研究人员希望,瓦拉赫先生补充说。