- 1. The Ute Indians certainly knew of Black Canyon.
- 尤特印第安人当然知道黑峡谷。
- 2. The Goods have been transported to UTE, but we have some trouble.
- 货物己经被运输到ute,可是我们有了些麻烦。
- 3. Before using the UTE, the security information must be configured correctly.
- 在使用ute之前,必须正确地配置安全信息。
- 4. The Portal UTE makes use of the MCS policies files directly from the file system.
- PortalUTE使用直接来自文件系统的MCS策略文件。
- 5. Evade Destroyers and pe down into the depths of Atlantic Ocean to ute an ambush!
- 逃避驱逐舰和潜艇到大西洋深处到执行伏击!
- 6. At the Annual Northern Ute Powwow, dancers around an American flag carried by the honor guard.
- 一年一度的北犹他州巫师仪式上,舞者们围着一面由荣誉守卫所持的美国国旗起舞。
- 7. In the Fabric 6.0.2 Tool Pack, the changes in the UTE repository (BSR) are approved automatically by the system.
- 在Fabric 6.0.2工具包中,系统会自动批准ute库(BSR)中的更改。
- 8. As a noun, "ATtrib-ute" is pronounced with emphasis on the first syllable, as opposed to "a-TRIBute", which is a verb.
- 作为名词的发音要把重音放在第一个音节,而做动词的时候是重音放到第二音节。
- 9. The WebSphere portal stub in the installed runtime of your workspace should point to the installed portal server UTE location.
- 您工作空间安装的运行时中的WebSphereportal存根应该指向安装的portal服务器ute位置。
- 10. Here, you can invoke any compliant Web service either over the Internet or within your own workspace with a running UTE Server.
- 这里,您可以通过Internet或在您自己的正在运行ute服务器的工作区中调用任何兼容的Web服务。
- 11. Inspector Atkins said a 17-year-old boy was moving his ute just before dawn yesterday and accidentally ran over the two teens.
- 巡官阿特金斯说,一个17岁的男孩昨天在黎明前开动自己的皮卡车,一不小心就碾过了两个青年。
- 12. OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the cost - effectiveness of 5 kinds of drug treatment regimes in the treatment of ac _ ute pancreatitis.
- 目的:评价急性胰腺炎5种药物治疗方案的成本-效果。
- 13. To configure the Universal Test environment (UTE), install WebSphere Portal V5.1 with the Test environment installation option selected.
- 为配置统一测试环境(ute),用选择的Testenvironment安装选项安装WebSpherePortalV5.1。
- 14. These UTE error messages are common symptoms of a native out-of-memory condition because the trace engine is enabled and active by default.
- 这些UTE错误消息是本机内存不足的一般症状,因为跟踪引擎在默认情况是启动且活动的。
- 15. Objective: the discussion atomization inhales Bolley Connie and Pu Mukle extends the treatment bronchial tube asthma ute attack the effect.
- 目的:探讨雾化吸入博利康尼及普米克利舒治疗支气管哮喘急性发作的效果。
- 16. Two teenagers are fighting for their lives after being hit by a ute while they were asleep in their swags at a campsite near Orange early today.
- 两名青年男女正在与生命做斗争,他们今天早间于Orange附近的露营地睡觉时被一辆工具车无意中辗轧。
- 17. They were asleep in their camping swags when a ute being driven by a 17yearold fellow camper inadvertently drove over them about 5am, police said.
- 警方说,今早大约5点钟,一名17岁的露营者在营地挪车时无意中轧过尚在睡觉的他们。
- 18. Ford Motor Company has definitely been a major benefactor of the SUV boom of the '90s, its Explorer the top-selling sport' ute for most of the decade.
- 福特汽车公司,肯定是一个繁荣的90年代的大恩人的SUV,它的资源管理器中最畅销的运动'十年尤特为最。
- 19. Two teenagersaccidentally run over by a ute as they slept in a swag at a party withold school friends near Orange, west of Sydney, have now both died inhospital.
- 两青年因与老同学在悉尼西部近奥兰芝的地方聚会,夜晚睡在行囊内露宿路边,被一辆皮卡车碾过,抢救无效,双双死亡。
- 20. Activities to include: annual risk scoring and assessment of new suppliers, implement and ute on-site audit program, assign and monitor corrective actions as needed.
- 主要工作包括:年度风险评定和新供应商评估,实施和现场审计程序的执行,根据需要指定并监督改正。
- 21. Because we have no jurisdiction from ningbo customs export, temporarily unable to provide customs declaration of export from ningbo UTE with material goods shipped together.
- 因为俺们公司没有权限从宁波海关出口,暂时不能提供从宁波海关出口地报关资料,不能跟ute的货物壹起运出。
- 22. This record and playback capability is available in both the toolkit (in the context menu for the UTE server) and in a production environment (in the administrative console).
- 工具包(位于ute服务器的上下文菜单中)和生产环境(位于管理控制台中)中都提供了此记录和回放功能。
- 23. This record and playback capability is available in both the toolkit (in the context menu for the UTE server) and in a production environment (in the administrative console).
- 工具包(位于ute服务器的上下文菜单中)和生产环境(位于管理控制台中)中都提供了此记录和回放功能。