- 1. You can get Lodi news even if you're in Timbuktu.
- 即使你身处Timbuktu,也能获得罗迪市的新闻。
- 2. Banjul, Ivanovo, Naples and Timbuktu are also on the list.
- 此外,伊凡诺沃、那不勒斯、班珠尔、通布图均榜上有名。
- 3. In Timbuktu, shops and businesses with Arab or Tuareg owners were looted.
- 在廷巴克图,阿拉伯和图阿雷格人的商店和企业都遭到抢劫。
- 4. Twenty years ago, it was very hard to visualize what was happening in Timbuktu.
- 20年前,我们很难想象廷巴克图发生了什么事。
- 5. Kathmandu and Timbuktu, both cities most people have heard of but know nothing about.
- 很多人都听说过加德满都和廷巴克图,但却对这两个城市一无所知。
- 6. And, in Mali, the famous city of Timbuktu was once a cultural capital of West Africa.
- 在马里,著名的廷巴克图城曾经是西非的一座文化之都。
- 7. At its height that empire stretched from Timbuktu to Bamako, and even as far as to the Atlantic.
- 在帝国鼎盛时期,版图从廷巴克图到巴马科,甚至远达大西洋。
- 8. Timbuktu is a great place to send a postcard from but its fame lies more in its inaccessibility than in anything there is to do there.
- 廷巴克图是一个很适合发明信片的地方,不过它的声名更多得自于它的不可亲近,而非什么都可以做。
- 9. The right mentor "can be in Timbuktu or New York but you have to understand who that inpidual is and what they bring to the relationship."
- 合适的导师“人在廷巴克图还是纽约无所谓,但是你得清楚这个人是个什么样的人,他能教给你什么东西。”
- 10. Mostly, I really appreciated the nod to the universal effect of these training camps, whether they be boot camps in the u. S., China, Israel or Timbuktu.
- 我真的很欣赏训练营的普遍成效,不管是美国、中国、以色列还是延巴克图的新兵营。
- 11. But journalists in Timbuktu say staff at the center tells them that tens of thousands of documents had been speared to the way for safekeeping a while back.
- 但是廷巴克图的新闻工作者表示,他们从研究中心的员工处获悉,上万份文件早已转移到安全地点。
- 12. A previous survey, carried out in April, revealed that 54 per cent of Britons thought Timbuktu was an imaginary place, and almost one in ten believed Kazakhstan did not exist.
- 之前四月份的调查表明,百分之五十四的英国人认为伯克都只是个虚构的地方,十分之一的人觉得没有哈萨克斯塔这个民族。
- 13. A previous survey, carried out in April, revealed that 54 per cent of Britons thought Timbuktu was an imaginary place, and almost one in ten believed Kazakhstan did not exist.
- 之前四月份的调查表明,百分之五十四的英国人认为伯克都只是个虚构的地方,十分之一的人觉得没有哈萨克斯塔这个民族。