- 1. Cannons captured at Fort Ticonderoga would be used during the successful Siege of Boston the following spring.
- 提康德·罗加堡缴获的火炮在次年春天的波士顿包围战中派上了用场。
- 2. Brian White, Ticonderoga Securities' chief Apple (AAPL) analyst, has a boilerplate sentence stored on his computer that goes like this.
- 证券公司Ticonderoga Securities的首席苹果(Apple)分析师布莱恩·怀特在自己的电脑里存了这样一段文字。
- 3. White of Ticonderoga Securities could justifiably be unnerved by the example of Microsoft (MSFT) at the end of 1999 as the tech boom neared its peak.
- 以微软为例,1999年末科技股泡沫接近其峰值的情形和现在很像。
- 4. Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys and Benedict Arnold surprised the British at Fort Ticonderoga on Lake Champlain with an attack on May 10, 1775.
- 1775年5月10日,在尚普兰湖畔的提康德加罗城堡战役中,伊桑·艾伦和他的格林山兄弟会以及本尼迪克特·阿诺德让英军着实惊诧。
- 5. Located on Lake Champlain in northeastern New York, Fort Ticonderoga served as a key point of access to both Canada and the Hudson River Valley during the French and Indian War.
- 提康德·罗加堡坐落在纽约东北部的尚普兰湖畔,她在法国-印第安战争中扮演了一个非常重要的角色:通往加拿大和哈德逊河流域的要塞。
- 6. As the first rebel victory of the Revolutionary war, the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga served as a morale booster and provided key artillery for the Continental Army in that first year of war.
- 作为独立战争的第一次反抗的胜利,提康德·罗加堡战役极大地鼓舞了士气,并为大陆军的第一年战争提供了关键的火炮。
- 7. Arriving in Boston after the Battle of Breed's Hill, Washington gathered men and supplies, and early in 1776 placed the guns captured at Fort Ticonderoga on the heights overlooking Boston.
- 不理智山战役结束后,华盛顿抵达波士顿,在当地征集士兵和军需品,并于1776年初在能够俯瞰波士顿的高地设置哨所、安置枪支——枪支是在蒂康德加要塞缴获的。
- 8. By April 1775, when hostilities broke out between colonial militiamen and British soldiers at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts, the British garrison at Fort Ticonderoga numbered barely 50 men.
- 到1775年4月,当马萨诸塞州的列克星敦和康科特的殖民地国民军和英军爆发战争的时候,英国在提康德·罗加堡驻军人数不到50人。
- 9. By April 1775, when hostilities broke out between colonial militiamen and British soldiers at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts, the British garrison at Fort Ticonderoga numbered barely 50 men.
- 到1775年4月,当马萨诸塞州的列克星敦和康科特的殖民地国民军和英军爆发战争的时候,英国在提康德·罗加堡驻军人数不到50人。