- 1. A court at Tampa, Florida has convicted five officials on charges of handling millions of dollars earned from illegal drug deals.
- 佛罗里达州坦帕市的一个法庭宣布被指控通过非法毒品买卖获取上百万美元的5名官员罪名成立。
- 2. Right here in Tampa, we're building the future.
- 就在Tampa这里,我们正开始建设为们的未来.
- 3. How Do I Get to Tampa International Airport?
- 去坦帕国际机场该怎样走?
- 4. It is a little boy from Tampa, Florida - Cody.
- 他是来自佛罗里达州坦帕市的小男孩科迪。
- 5. Tampa Bay once recorded up to 50,000 flashes in June alone.
- 历史中所记录下来的坦帕湾在六月份最多的闪电次数竟然高达50000次。
- 6. Tampa Bay once recorded up to 50, 000 flashes in June alone.
- 历史中所记录下来的坦帕湾在六月份最多的闪电次数竟然高达50000次。
- 7. However Tampa is a small clean and tidy town with a rare street pedestrian.
- 坦帕是个小城,干净整齐,很少行人。
- 8. However, Tampa is a small, clean and tidy town with a rare street pedestrian.
- 坦帕是个小城,干净整齐,很少行人。
- 9. In and around Tampa, more than 110 people were killed in the same time perio.
- 而在坦帕,该时期死于雷电袭击的人数已经超过了110人。
- 10. But I neutralized my ego in an attempt to connect with a humble little boy from Tampa.
- 但是我中和了一下我的自我意识,打算与来自坦帕市的一个谦虚的小男孩进行联系。
- 11. "Decide whether to open a Tampa office" can guide the conversation much more clearly.
- “决定是否在坦帕新开一个办事处”则能够更加清晰地引导对话。
- 12. Tampa in Florida, Jackson, Mississippi and Memphis were also among the least lucky cities.
- 此外,佛罗里达州的坦帕、杰克逊、密西西比、和孟菲斯也入选最不走运城市。
- 13. "Okay, " Nelson says as we touch the hard ground of Tampa, "let's wrap it up and put it in the barn.
- “好了,”当我们踏上坦帕的硬质地面时,尼尔森说,“把它们收拾好,扔到谷仓。”
- 14. They live in Tampa, Florida, with their trainer, a retired businessman, who refuses to reveal his name.
- 他们和教练生活在佛罗里达州的坦帕市,教练是一位拒绝透露姓名的退休商人。
- 15. I admired your courage and tenacity during some really tough times. Connie W. Seals, 64, Tampa, Florida.
- 我敬佩您在最为困苦的时候拥有的勇气和坚韧。
- 16. Charlotte, N.C., Las Vegas, Seattle and Tampa, Fla., continued to hit new lows, but at a much slower rate of decline.
- 北卡罗来纳州的夏洛特、拉斯维加斯、西雅图和佛罗里达州的坦帕则不断触及新低,不过下滑速度放缓了很多。
- 17. Today still struck in Tampa, nearly thousand of visitors resided in various hotels, loafing, wandering about and doing nothing.
- 今日仍然滞留坦帕。上千客人入住在不同的旅店,游手好闲。
- 18. HOLD the SALT: This desalination plant in Tampa, Fla., is the biggest reverse-osmosis facility in the U.S. Image: Tampa Bay water.
- 留住盐分:加利福尼亚的坦帕,美国最大的反渗透海水淡化厂。
- 19. South Florida, Tampa Bay and suburbs around Orlando are tied for seeing the most bolts per year, the National Weather Service said.
- 美国国家气象局表示,在南佛罗里达最的坦帕湾和奥兰多的郊区,每年都会遭受大规模的雷电袭击。
- 20. The city that the museum located is called St.Petersburg in another direction of Tampa Bay and going there needs to stride the sea.
- 博物馆所在的城市,叫作“圣彼得堡”,在坦帕湾的另外方向,需要跨海而去。
- 21. The city that the museum located is called St. Petersburg, in another direction of Tampa Bay and going there needs to stride the sea.
- 博物馆所在的城市,叫作“圣彼得堡”,在坦帕湾的另外方向,需要跨海而去。
- 22. Civil libertarians might have declaredvictory, but Tampa Bay kept on, using $8 million infederal grants to keep improving the system.
- 虽然公民自由论者可能已经宣告胜利,但坦帕湾自行其是,用800万美元的联邦拨款继续改进系统。
- 23. The study seeks drivers in Seattle, Tampa Bay, Durham, North Carolina, Bloomington, Indiana, Buffalo, New York and central Pennsylvania.
- 该研究将在西雅图、坦帕湾、达拉谟、北卡莱·罗纳、布鲁·明顿、印第安纳、水牛城、纽约和宾夕法尼亚中心地区寻找司机。
- 24. Lisa Marie Coker, a 19-year-old Tampa woman was arrested after she crashed her ex-boyfriend's wedding reception armed with a razor and a crowbar.
- 丽萨·玛丽寇可,坦帕市的一个19岁女孩,因为以剃刀和铁锹为武器大闹前男友婚宴而被逮捕。
- 25. Miami, New Orleans, Tampa, Florida, and Virginia Beach, Virginia could lose more than 10 percent of their land area by century's end, the study found.
- 迈阿密、新奥尔良、坦帕市、佛罗里达和弗吉尼亚海滩,弗吉尼亚在本世纪末,有可能损失10%以上的陆地,研究发现。
- 26. Tampa patrolmen now use digitalcameras to take pictures of citizensat traffic stops and compare them against a database of 7.5 million mug shots.
- 坦帕巡警现在使用数码相机在交通站点给市民拍照,然后与数据库中的750万张面部照片进行比较。
- 27. Spring Hill is a small community in the Tampa metro area with a big population of senior citizens and many hospitals and businesses that cater to them.
- 斯普·林希尔是坦帕市地铁区一个小社区,有大量的高龄人口,也有许多满足他们需要的医院和商业。
- 28. Spring Hill is a small community in the Tampa metro area with a big population of senior citizens and many hospitals and businesses that cater to them.
- 斯普·林希尔是坦帕市地铁区一个小社区,有大量的高龄人口,也有许多满足他们需要的医院和商业。