- 1. Kansas last went to the final in 2003, but the Jayhawks lost to Syracuse.
- 堪萨斯州最近一次打入总决赛是在2003年,当时堪萨斯州松鹰输给了锡拉丘兹大学队。
- 2. What's so special about Archimedes (c287-212 BC) of Syracuse and his work?
- 叙拉古的阿基米德(公元前287 - 212年)及其著作为何如此特别呢?
- 3. Several years later, Syracuse was captured by Marcellus, the Roman general.
- 几年后,罗马将军马尔塞·鲁斯攻陷锡拉丘兹。
- 4. Menzio explained that "other language" was a math equation for his speech in Syracuse.
- 门齐奥解释说, “另一种语言”其实是他准备到锡拉丘兹演讲的数学方程式。
- 5. I asked that your last question, has the fire race's person ambushes in edge Syracuse?
- 我问你最后一个问题,是不是有火族的人潜伏在刃雪城中?
- 6. Towns, including Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo, developed lively trade based on canal traffic.
- 一批由运河带动的城镇建立了起来,包括布法罗、雪城和罗切斯特。
- 7. Perched high on a cliff in the Syracuse, this has been looted, put up for sale - but remains eerily abandoned.
- 城堡高高盘踞于锡拉库扎的一座峭壁上,内部已被清理一空,正待拍卖——但它那荒弃的状态依旧诡异。
- 8. Work for this contract will be performed in Syracuse, N.Y., and is expected to be completed by Jul. 2010.
- 该合同工作将在纽约syracuse进行,预计将在2010年7月完成。
- 9. The Air Force issued orders for me to report to Syracuse University, School of Language, in Syracuse, n.y..
- 空军基地任命我到锡镴丘兹大学去做报告,那是一所位于锡镴丘兹的一所语言学校。
- 10. Dr Kos, from Syracuse University in the us, told BBC News: "we were critical of those events when we saw them."
- 来自美国锡拉丘兹大学的科斯博士对BBC新闻说:“我们在看到这些粒子事件时有些不满。”
- 11. Stan continues to work on his models at the Museum of Science and Technology in Syracuse, New York, United States.
- 斯坦继续在美国纽约锡拉丘兹(雪城)科技博物馆搭建他的模型。
- 12. That's when he enrolled in a doctoral program in bioprocess engineering at State University of New York in Syracuse.
- 他后来进入锡拉丘兹市纽约州立大学,攻读生物工程博士学位。
- 13. Other universities that participated in the project included Syracuse University and the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
- Syracuse大学和麦迪逊的Wisconsin大学也参与了这一项目。
- 14. Plato's school-related activities were interrupted a couple of times because of invitations to visit and teach in Syracuse.
- 柏拉图因为被邀请去叙拉古访问和讲学而数度中断教学活动。
- 15. Earthsense, based in Syracuse, New York, has polled us consumers on their perceptions of the "greenness" of various companies.
- 位于纽约州锡拉丘兹市的Earthsense公司已经问卷调查了美国消费者对各公司“绿色环保”的理解。
- 16. The odor of wild thyme, Pliny tells us, drives away snakes. Dionysius of Syracuse, on the other hand, thinks it an aphrodisiac.
- 普林尼告诉世人野生百里香的气味可以驱蛇,古代叙拉古王朝的暴君戴奥尼索司叙拉古却认为它是壮阳药。
- 17. A few weeks later in 2001, Dau, who had never seen electric lights or flush toilets, landed at the Syracuse, New York, airport.
- 几个星期后,从未见过电灯和冲水厕所的道,终于降落纽约雪城机场。
- 18. The Syracuse satellite system is designed to give high-speed secure links between France and troops deployed in foreign theaters.
- Syracuse卫星系统是为了给法国和外国驻军建立高速安全战区联系通道而设计。
- 19. A city of south-central New York near the Pennsylvania border south-southeast of Syracuse. It was settled in 787. Population, 53,008.
- 美国纽约中南部一城市,位于希拉·克斯东南偏南的宾夕法尼亚边境附近。787年建立。人口53,008。
- 20. Agathocles the Sicilian, who became King of Syracuse, was not only an ordinary citizen but also of the lowest and most abject condition.
- 成为锡拉库萨国王的,西西里的阿加索·克利斯,不仅仅只是一个普通公民而是来自于最低下和最赤贫的阶级。
- 21. Children's Day in New York state is presented every year by this retired elementary school teacher of the Syracuse City school District.
- 纽约州的儿童节每年由雪城学区的小学退休老师举办。
- 22. Children's Day in New York state is presented every year by this retired elementary school teacher of the Syracuse City school District.
- 纽约州的儿童节每年由雪城学区的小学退休老师举办。