- 1. The landslide occur in the Gao Jabian shale of Silurian Period.
- 滑坡体为志留系高家边组页岩。
- 2. The sedimentary environment of Middle Silurian is also involved.
- 分析了该区中志留世的沉积环境及变化特征。
- 3. The contact relationship between Silurian and Devonian is parallel unconformity.
- 泥盆系与志留系之间为平行不整合接触。
- 4. Porphyry mineralization, occurred in the Silurian Period, finally formed ore bodies.
- 晚期矿化发生于志留纪,使矿床最终形成。
- 5. Shale gas reservoirs may probably develop in organic-rich shale of Silurian in southern China.
- 预测中国南方志留系等富有机质页岩发育区是页岩气藏的勘探潜力地区。
- 6. The Haiyangshan granitic mass was intruded in the core of anticlinoria and formed in the late Silurian.
- 广西海洋山花岗岩基侵位于海洋山复式背斜核部,形成于晚志留世。
- 7. Special Papers In Palaeontology, Number 83, Silurian Conodonts From The Yangtze Platform, South China ( )
- 古生物学论文,83,中国南方长江三角洲志留纪时期牙形刺研究。
- 8. The MIFA, as a fractal geometry method, is used to study the Silurian reservoir of Tazhong area in this paper.
- MIFA法就是一种定量的分形几何学方法。本文应用MIFA法对塔里木盆地塔中地区志留系储层孔隙结构进行了研究。
- 9. Unless the upper part of Ningqiang Formation maybe belongs to Middle Silurian, the others belong to lower Silurian.
- 本区绝大部分地层为下志留统,只有宁强组上部可能为中志留统。
- 10. Diagenesis data indicate that the Silurian asphaltic sandstones are the products of multiple fillings of hydrocarbon.
- 志留系沥青砂岩的成岩作用特征等资料证明,沥青砂岩的形成是烃类多期次注入的结果。
- 11. The upper silurian system of the Shaerbuer mountain region of west Jungger is maga-formation of pyroclastic turbidite.
- 萨勒布尔提山上志留统克克雄库都克组为一套巨厚的火山碎屑浊积岩。
- 12. In the Ordovician, Silurian Period, the Devonian, Carboniferous, the advent of low amphibians and ancient ancient reptiles.
- 在奥陶纪、志留纪、泥盆纪、石炭纪,相继出现低等鱼类、古两栖类和古爬行类动物。
- 13. Silurian '. 'and before the Mississippian or Carboniferous Period, and characterized by the appearance of forests and amphibians.
- 处于志留记之后,密西西比纪或石炭纪之前,森林和两栖类的出现是其特征。
- 14. No lithostratigraphic unit has been set up for the Silurian-Devonian strata in the vicinity of the Jinsha River, western Sichuan.
- 川西金沙江一带的志留—泥盆纪地层,前人没有建立岩石地层单位。
- 15. These folded rocks are composed of medium to thick bedded limestone of Ordovician and of thin bedded shale and siltstone of Silurian.
- 这些褶皱岩层是由奥陶系的中层至厚层石灰岩以及志留系的薄层页岩和粉砂岩组成。
- 16. The Silurian lead-zinc deposits represented by the Sirengou deposit of Xunyang are of fine clastic sedimentary-strongly reworked type;
- 以旬阳泗人沟为代表的志留系铅锌矿属细碎屑岩沉积强改造型铅锌矿床;
- 17. The Silurian in this area is tide-controlled coastline sedimentary environment and here mainly developed the tidal flat depositional system.
- 塔里木盆地塔中地区志留系沉积环境为潮控滨岸带,主要发育潮坪沉积体系,这在柯坪塔格组表现得尤为突出。
- 18. Two types of tempestites developed in beach and inner shelf environments respectively are discovered in Silurian system of Tazhong area, Tarim basin.
- 在大量岩心观察及岩相与环境分析的基础上,首次在塔中地区志留系识别出两种风暴沉积序列,它们分别产出于海滩和陆棚环境。
- 19. There are also resemblances among Early Silurian rugose coral faunas of the Yangtze region, eastern Australia, and eastern North America to some extent.
- 扬子区早志留世珊瑚群与澳大利亚东部、北美东部同期珊瑚也有一定的相似性。
- 20. Secondly, the Silurian can be differentiated from Upper Deovonian Donghe Sandstone in terms of seismic stratigraphy and logging cross-sections analysis.
- 继而分析其地震反射特征,通过地震一测井地层对比,将其与东河砂岩予以区分;
- 21. The third largest extinction in Earth's history, the Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction had two peak dying times separated by hundreds of thousands of years.
- 作为地球史上消亡物种排行第三的大灭绝,奥陶系-志留纪大灭绝有两个死亡高峰期,其中相隔数十万年时间。
- 22. The earliest of the Big Five, the end-Ordovician or Ordovician-Silurian extinction events some 444 million years ago, are reckoned by many to be the second largest.
- 五次大灭绝中发生最早的一次是奥陶纪末期或者奥陶纪-志留纪大灭绝事件,发生在大约4亿4千4百万年前。许多科学家估计这次规模是五次当中第二大的。
- 23. From the suture line towards the north, an andesite line along Sharburti Mountain was the volcanic island arc developed from middle Ordovician to middle-late Silurian.
- 由缝合线向北,沙尔布尔提山安山岩线是中奥陶世至中、晚志留世发育起来的火山岛弧。
- 24. The process of the oil migration is controlled by regional structures and the direction of the oil migration is consistent with the strike of major faults of Silurian.
- 油气运移过程受区域构造控制,运移方向与志留系主要断裂走向一致。
- 25. Straddling the late Ordovician period and the early Silurian period, the Andean-Saharan ice age was marked by a mass extinction, the second most severe in Earth's history.
- Andean - Saharan冰河期横跨了Ordovician冰河期的后期和Silurian冰河期的前期,大灭绝成为了其标志性事件,那是地球历史上第二个气候最恶劣的时期。
- 26. The lamprophyres are widely distributed in Qinling, which are mostly well auriferous. The lamprophyres are occurred in silty slates of Palaezoic Silurian and Devonian systems.
- 秦岭地区广泛分布有煌斑岩,其主要赋存于古生界志留系与泥盆系的粉砂质板岩中,大部分含金较高。
- 27. Vertically, 3sets of source rocks including the Lower Cambrian, the Middle-o-Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian and the Permian were developed in Chinese Paleozoic Marine basins.
- 研究认为中国古生代海相盆地在纵向上主要发育下寒武统、中上奥陶统—下志留统和二叠系3套烃源岩。
- 28. The uranium deposit of Silurian age in a certain area is controlled mainly by fracture and morphologically changing parts of uranium bearing siliceous limestone and chert beds.
- 某地区志留系中的铀矿床,主要受硅灰岩和硅岩含矿层形态变异部位和断裂构造控制。
- 29. The uranium deposit of Silurian age in a certain area is controlled mainly by fracture and morphologically changing parts of uranium bearing siliceous limestone and chert beds.
- 某地区志留系中的铀矿床,主要受硅灰岩和硅岩含矿层形态变异部位和断裂构造控制。