- 1. A train passenger traveling from Baghdad to Karbala, a Shiite holy city some 60 miles south of the capital, reads a prayer book.
- 一名从巴格达到卡尔巴拉的乘客正在火车上阅读祈祷书,卡尔巴拉是距离首都南部60英里外的圣城。
- 2. The execution, carried out last month by Iraq's largest Shiite militia, would have been unexceptional but for one fact: The victim was one of its own.
- 这个处决上个月由伊拉克最大的什叶派民兵武装执行,只有一点使得这个处决非同以往:这个受害者是他们自己的一员。
- 3. Saudi Arabia has also been concerned by what it sees as Iranian meddling in Yemen in support of the rebellion by the Houthis (a Shiite minority in the north).
- 阿特阿拉伯关注并认为伊朗插手也门意在支持一个北部由少数什叶派成员组成的叫Houthis的反叛组织。
- 4. He spoke of a substantial backlash also against Iran's support of radical Shiite militias, and said Tehran would be well-advised to reconsider its behavior toward its neighbor.
- 他谈到伊朗由于支持激进的什叶派民兵武装而遭到的有力反击。他说,德黑兰最好重新考虑自己在邻国的作为。
- 5. The ayatollah was considered a relative moderate among the Shiite leadership, and he was sometimes criticized for allowing his followers to cooperate with the U. S. administration of Iraq.
- 哈基姆被认为是什叶派领导层中相对温和的成员,他曾经因为允许自己的追随者同美国在伊拉克的管理机构合作而受到批评。
- 6. Hossein Yasa the editor of the Daily Outlook newspaper notes that there are Hazara-owned television stations Hazara-owned newspapers and a huge Shiite madrassa and mosque complex under construction.
- 《每日展望报》的编辑何塞因·亚萨说,哈扎拉人办起了他们所有的电视台、报纸。大型的什叶派学校和祠庙也在动工。
- 7. Hossein Yasa the editor of the Daily Outlook newspaper notes that there are Hazara-owned television stations Hazara-owned newspapers and a huge Shiite madrassa and mosque complex under construction.
- 《每日展望报》的编辑何塞因·亚萨说,哈扎拉人办起了他们所有的电视台、报纸。大型的什叶派学校和祠庙也在动工。