- 1. Reestit mutton is a delicacy of Shetland.
- 茹斯蒂羊肉是设得兰群岛的美食。
- 2. For the Shetland Islands, see inset.
- 关于设得兰群岛,见小地图。
- 3. A obtained from of the Shetland islands.
- 设得兰群岛的所产的。
- 4. A salmon farm in the Shetland Isles, Scotland.
- 苏格兰设德兰群岛的大马哈渔场。
- 5. The Shetland Islands are usually considered a part of Scotland.
- 人们一般认为设得兰群岛是苏格兰的一部分。
- 6. Note mysterious Neolithic history in the magical Orkney and Shetland Lsles.
- 在迷人的奥克尼郡和设德兰群岛上充满神奇色彩的史前标记。
- 7. A mini-Shetland stallion was referred with bilateral pruritus localized to the anterior neck.
- 小型设德兰马被称为瘙痒本地化与双边的前颈部。
- 8. The blend fabric of rabbit hair and Shetland wool feels soft and brings better economic benefits.
- 兔毛雪兰毛混纺产品比雪兰毛产品有较柔软的手感及良好的经济效益。
- 9. Scotland is already home to more than half the UK's onshore wind capacity and Shetland is a key location.
- 苏格兰已经成为英国海岸风电场一半以上装机容量的基地,而设得兰群岛则是一个重要地点。
- 10. He was looking very splendid in brown shetland shorts, a navy blue jersey, white shirt and striped necktie.
- 他穿着一条棕色的谢德兰短裤,一件深蓝色的织衫,白衬衫系着条纹领带,样子非常漂亮。
- 11. He was looking very splendid in brown shetland shorts, a navy blue jersey, white shirt, and striped necktie.
- 他穿着一条棕色的谢德兰短裤,一件深蓝色的织衫,白衬衫系着条纹领带,样子非常漂亮。
- 12. Few places have preserved the past like Shetland, where remains of settlements dating from the Stone Age endure.
- 没有什么地方像设得兰群岛那样完好地保存着过去,在那里还可以看到石器时代留下的部落遗迹。
- 13. Blanket replacement of native names, as in Orkney and Shetland, may have happened gradually rather than suddenly.
- 毯取代本地的名字,如在奥克尼和设得兰群岛,可能发生逐渐而不是突然。
- 14. Paul usually has more than a dozen dogs at a time, many of them Shetland sheepdogs, a breed known for excessive barking.
- 保罗常常和一堆狗狗呆在一起,许多是舍德兰牧羊犬,一种过渡大叫的品种。
- 15. In 2007 more than 150 people were evacuated when their ship, the Explorer, sank after hitting an iceberg near the South Shetland Islands.
- 2007年,一艘名为“探索者号”的船在与南设得兰群岛附近的冰山相撞后沉没,船上150多人及时撤离。
- 16. This four-night cruise gives you the opportunity to see the wild beauty of the shetland islands and the wonderful norwegian scenery in bergen .
- 这次为期四昼夜的航行使你有机会欣赏到设得兰群岛的自然美景和卑尔根美妙的挪威风光。
- 17. Representative of glass products for the Nobel banquet making ceramics shetland rand, plain but fashionable hargreaves bernays plates and coffee.
- 有代表性的玻璃制品有为诺贝尔宴会制作陶瓷器的罗谢特·兰德、朴素大方却时髦的哈格·奈斯的盘子和咖啡具。
- 18. Western Scotland is fringed by the large archipelago known as the Hebrides and to the north east of the Scottish mainland are Orkney and Shetland.
- 苏格兰西部是赫布里底群岛,苏格兰本土东北部是奥克尼郡和设得兰群岛。
- 19. The University of Glasgow offers students with the unique opportunity of a fully funded doctoral studentship on the 'History of Lace Knitting in Shetland'.
- 英国Glasgow大学有一个获得全额资助的博士专业叫做“设得兰群岛花边编织的历史”。
- 20. This project will collect genetic data on an unprecedented scale, from Cornwall to Shetland, to identify the genetic consequences of the Viking invasions.
- 该项目将收集基因数据规模空前,来自康沃尔到设得兰群岛,以确定遗传后果海盗入侵。
- 21. BP has developed a strong track record west of Shetland over the past two decades and will use the latest technology to maximise recovery from these fields.
- BP已建立了一个强烈的设得兰群岛以西记录在过去二十年,将使用最新的技术来最大限度地从这些领域中进行恢复。
- 22. Also known as the Goose-beaked whale, this creature is found as far north as the Shetland Islands and as south as Tierra Del Fuego at the tip of south America.
- 这种又叫鹅嘴鲸的生物在北至舍得兰群岛,南至火地岛都有分布。
- 23. A constituent country of the United Kingdom comprising the northern part of the island of Great Britain and the Hebrides, Shetland Islands, and Orkney Islands.
- 英国的一个选区,它包括大不列颠岛北部、赫布里底群岛、设得兰群岛和奥克尼群岛。
- 24. Scotland: a constituent country of the United Kingdom comprising the northern part of the island of Great Britain and the Hebrides, Shetland Islands, and Orkney Islands.
- 苏格兰:英国的一个选区,它包括大不列颠岛北部、赫布里底群岛、设得兰群岛和奥克尼群岛。
- 25. So there are serious questions about the green credentials of plans to build Europe's largest onshore wind farm on 187 square kilometres of thick peat on the Shetland Islands.
- 所以,在设德兰群岛(Shetland Islands) 187平方公里的厚泥炭沼泽区建造欧洲最大的陆上风力发电厂这个计划在绿色环保资质(green credential)方面还存在很多严重的问题。
- 26. Most of them occurred on the first two days, when stormy weather forced the captain to abandon plans to visit Orkney and Shetland, and make a run for the calmer waters of the Norwegian fjords.
- 最多的曲折发生在开始时的两天,暴风雪迫使船长放弃了前往奥克尼和设得兰群岛的计划,转而前往风平浪静的挪威海湾。
- 27. Sole agency for a dozen paragraphs from Chile, France, Australia, including the world of wine brand love Shetland, love Dora, Carmen pollution-free, 100% pure grape juice, tannin, long wire slide.
- 独家代理十几款来自智利、法国、澳大利亚的葡萄酒,包括世界品牌——爱德兰、爱多拉、卡门,无污染无公害,100%纯葡萄汁,单宁丝滑,回味绵长。
- 28. Sole agency for a dozen paragraphs from Chile, France, Australia, including the world of wine brand love Shetland, love Dora, Carmen pollution-free, 100% pure grape juice, tannin, long wire slide.
- 独家代理十几款来自智利、法国、澳大利亚的葡萄酒,包括世界品牌——爱德兰、爱多拉、卡门,无污染无公害,100%纯葡萄汁,单宁丝滑,回味绵长。