- 1. Saladin joined in from the rear.
- 萨拉丁从后方加入。
- 2. Saladin, at age 26, went along with them.
- 时年26岁的萨拉丁也随同前往。
- 3. When the noble Saladin learns of this atrocity, he will…
- 当高尚的萨拉丁获悉这项暴行,他将…
- 4. See where Saladin lived and check out the traces of Mongol arrowheads on the double walls.
- 看看萨拉丁住过的地方,再看看双层的墙上蒙古弓箭头所留下的痕迹。
- 5. Shirkuh was appointed the new vizier and gave Saladin a high administrative position.
- 谢尔·库赫被任命为新的维齐尔,他也给予萨拉丁一个高级行政职务。
- 6. The Third Crusade lead by, among others, Richard the Lion-hearted, is stopped by Saladin.
- 和众人一起,狮心王理查德带领的第三次十字军被撒拉丁所阻挡。
- 7. Saladin himself had been strengthening his hold on Egypt and widening his support base there.
- 萨拉丁自身已加强了他在埃及的统治,扩大了他在那里的支持基础。
- 8. Fortunately for Saladin disunity between the attackers forced them to settle for terms and withdraw.
- 使萨拉丁感到幸运的是,内部的不团结迫使敌人在勉强接受停战条件后撤军。
- 9. About education, Saladin wrote "children are brought up in the way in which their elders were brought up."
- 对于教育,萨拉丁写道“孩子们就像他们的长辈接受教育一样接受教育。”
- 10. Saladin uncovered this plot and had the eunuch executed while outside of the city inspecting his properties.
- 萨拉丁发现了这起密谋,在出城视察财产时处死了这名宦官。
- 11. Saladin and Shirkuh moved towards Alexandria where they were welcomed, given money, arms, and provided a base.
- 萨拉丁和谢尔库赫向亚历山大进发,并在那里受到欢迎,得到了钱财、武器和根据地。
- 12. After establishing himself in Egypt, Saladin launched a campaign against the Crusaders, besieging Darum in 1170.
- 在埃及站稳脚跟之后,萨拉丁发动了一场针对十字军的战役,于1170年包围了达鲁姆。
- 13. Saladin continued to actively avoid any personal meeting with Nur al-Din, who may very well have removed him from power.
- 萨拉丁继续刻意避免与努尔丁的私人会面,因为努尔丁显然会剥夺他的权力。
- 14. Saladin stayed in the Crusader camp during these negotiations in which he sought to assure the terms protecting Alexandria.
- 议和期间,萨拉丁一直留在十字军帐中,他要力图确保和约中有保护亚历山大的条款。
- 15. He was crowned at the age of 13, and so Jerusalem was ruled by two regents, one of whom signed a treaty of peace with Saladin.
- 13岁时,他就得到了加冕,耶路撒冷便由两个摄政王统治,其中一个与萨拉丁签订了和平条约。
- 16. Amalric withdrew his Templar garrison from Gaza to assist him in defending Darum, but Saladin evaded their force and fell on Gaza instead.
- 阿马尔·里克撤离了他在加沙的圣殿骑士驻军以援其守卫达鲁姆,但萨拉丁避开了他们,转而攻击加沙。
- 17. Saladin, who now lived in Damascus, was reported to have a particular fondness of the city, but information on his early childhood is scarce.
- 现居大马士革的萨拉丁据传对该城情有独钟,但他的幼年信息极少。
- 18. Clearly feeling secure in Egypt Saladin undertook attacks against the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1170 and succeeded in taking the strategic town of Ayla.
- 在确认埃及形势安全后,萨拉丁于1170年着手进攻耶路撒冷王国,成功夺取了战略重镇艾拉。
- 19. The Fatimid State he inherited was every bit as unstable as the one Shawar had seized, but Saladin faced the additional challenge of being of foreign occupier.
- 萨拉丁继承的法蒂玛王朝仍如当年沙瓦尔统治时般一点都不稳定,而他还面临身为外国占领者这一额外挑战。
- 20. Fortunately for Saladin, Nur al-Din became suddenly ill and died, leaving behind a number of direct successors who lacked either the age or skill to succeed him.
- 令萨拉丁感到万幸的是,努尔丁暴病而亡,而他之后的继任者或年龄小或缺少战胜萨拉丁的经验。
- 21. While Saladin is most famous for his wars with the Crusader States the beginning of his military career was under his uncle Shirkuh on behalf of Nur al-Din in Egypt.
- 虽然萨拉丁最著名的事迹是他与十字军国家的战争,但他的军旅生涯始于埃及,那时他依附于叔叔,努尔丁的部下谢尔·库赫。
- 22. While Saladin is most famous for his wars with the Crusader States the beginning of his military career was under his uncle Shirkuh on behalf of Nur al-Din in Egypt.
- 虽然萨拉丁最著名的事迹是他与十字军国家的战争,但他的军旅生涯始于埃及,那时他依附于叔叔,努尔丁的部下谢尔·库赫。