- 1. Oracle is mainly conveyed by Pythia who replaced the Apollo god.
- 神谕主要由皮提亚代阿波罗传达,解答疑难者的求问。
- 2. If Apollo was a musician, then his priestess, the Pythia, was his instrument.
- 如果阿波罗是音乐家,那么他的女祭司皮提亚就是他的乐器。
- 3. Pythia served a powerful sorcerer for decades to learn the secrets of his power.
- 为了学会其力量的秘密,皮提亚为一个强大的巫师服务了数十年。
- 4. During the oracular sessions, the Pythia spoke in an altered voice and tended to chant her responses, indulging in wordplay and puns.
- 皮媞亚会以一种不同于平常的声音传达神谕,并倾向以吟咏的方式回应,说出的尽是暧昧的文字游戏与双关语。
- 5. This famous temple was the home of the Pythia, a specially chosen and trained woman who according to legend channeled the voice and wisdom of Apollo, the god of prophecy.
- 这个著名的神庙是皮提亚的家,皮提亚是一个根据传说可以传到预言之神阿波罗的声音和智慧的经过特别选择和培训的女人。
- 6. This famous temple was the home to the Pythia, a specially chosen and trained woman who, according to legend, channeled the voice and wisdom of Apollo, the god of prophecy.
- 阿波罗神庙的女祭司皮提亚,传说,皮提亚是掌管预言的阿波罗神钦点传达预言和智慧的女祭司。
- 7. The dependencies of all suggested measures for charge fluctuation on the size of rapidity window are compared by using the hadronic and nuclear collision models—PYTHIA and RQMD.
- 利用强子-强子碰撞的模型PYTHIA以及核-核碰撞的模型RQMD比较了各种电荷起伏测量量的快度依赖性,结果发现,这些测量量对快度的依赖性依赖于模型。
- 8. The dependencies of all suggested measures for charge fluctuation on the size of rapidity window are compared by using the hadronic and nuclear collision models—PYTHIA and RQMD.
- 利用强子-强子碰撞的模型PYTHIA以及核-核碰撞的模型RQMD比较了各种电荷起伏测量量的快度依赖性,结果发现,这些测量量对快度的依赖性依赖于模型。