- 1. Out of Puritanism came the intense work ethic.
- 从清教徒主义思想中衍生出的极强职业伦理。
- 2. Puritanism exercises a great influence on Americans' life and way of thinking.
- 清教主义对于美国人的思想影响极其巨大。
- 3. Perhaps, form the beginning, a steak of puritanism had been latent , deep inside him.
- 也许,从一出世起, 就有一种清教徒式的性格深深潜伏在他身上。
- 4. To treat with national heritage Puritanism, his attitude is criticism, and retrospect.
- 对待民族遗产清教主义,他的态度是:批判、反思。
- 5. To treat with national heritage Puritanism , his attitude is criticism, and retrospect.
- 对待民族遗产清教主义,他的态度是:批判、反思。
- 6. This is old-fashioned Puritanism: the boom was the illusion, the slump is the return of reality.
- 这是老式的清教徒主义:繁荣是幻觉,衰退是向现实的回归。
- 7. In Chapter Three, Hawthornes Puritanism reflected in The House will be elaborated on in details.
- 第三章将详细的论述《七个尖角阁的房子》所体现的矛盾的清教思想。
- 8. The causes of Emily's tragedy lie in the paternalism and feminine morality of Puritanism governing the south of America.
- 爱米丽的悲剧根源在于美国南方文化传统的清教主义思想下的父权制度。
- 9. Emily's love tragedy is not caused by the conflict between the old and the new, but by the tradition with the Puritanism as its core.
- 爱米丽的爱情悲剧不是新旧的冲突而是以清教思想为核心的旧传统造成的。
- 10. The Scarlet Letter is his masterpiece, which reflects how the Puritanism devastates the human spirits and people's longing for happiness.
- 它充分反应了清教对人的精神摧残和人们无法克制的对幸福生活的追求。
- 11. Chinese culture and American culture are two kinds of cultural patterns that originated respectively from Confucianism thought and European Puritanism.
- 中国文化与美国文化分别是以儒家思想和欧洲清教主义为历史渊源的两种不同的文化模式。
- 12. American Puritanism: Puritanism is the practices and beliefs of the Puritans. The Puritans were originally members of a pision of the Protestant Church.
- 美国清教主义:清教主义是新教徒的原来的一个分支——清教徒的行为和信仰。
- 13. Therefore, the nature depicted in her poems not only reflects the idea of Emerson's Transcendentalism, but sometimes resounds the tune similar to that of Puritanism.
- 她诗歌中所描绘的自然既反映出爱默生的超验主义思想,又不时地唱出与清教主义旋律相近的曲调。
- 14. American merchant known primarily for his strong denunciation of the Salem witch trials (1692) and his opposition to the rigid Puritanism of Cotton and Increase Mather.
- 美国商人,因谴责塞勒姆的巫术试验和反对科顿和英克里斯·马太(1692年)的严酷的清教主义而闻名。
- 15. The Protestant Reformation, and especially the rising energies of Puritanism in the early seventeenth century, are beginning to do a lot to change this state of affairs.
- 新教宗教改革,尤其是活力不断上升的清教主义,在17世纪早期,为了改变这种状态开始做出许多努力。
- 16. Their lives were extremely unhappy, their dispositions were suppressed and distorted and they were victims of the mythology of feminine chastity fabricated by Puritanism.
- 她们生活极不幸福,人性受压抑、扭曲,是清教主义制造的女性贞洁神话牺牲品。
- 17. Some important elements of Puritanism which are also reflected in American culture are not concerned in this thesis because they are not apparently presented in the novel.
- 由于《红字》中没有明确呈现,所以同样反映在美国文化中的一些重要的清教元素并没有在本文中谈及。
- 18. Despite the fact that few Americans self-claim to be puritans as their fore-fathers did before, the deeply-rooted Puritanism can never be neglected even in their daily behavior.
- 虽然很少有美国人像父辈一样自诩为清教徒,但是即使在他们的日常行为中,清教传统依然根深蒂固,不可忽视。
- 19. Or they could wait in hope for the European Central Bank to decide inflation is not so bad after all; or for the Germans to resile from their economic puritanism and become free-spending idlers.
- 抑或,他们可以满怀希望地等待欧洲央行来决定通货膨胀其实没有那么糟;抑或,让德国人摆脱他们的经济节制主义,变成大手花钱的游手好闲之人。
- 20. This paper attempts to analyse the Puritanist theatre of o 'neill from the aspects of ideology and art, and to search for the influence of American Puritanism on o 'neill's theatrical creation.
- 本文试图从思想和艺术两个方面对奥尼尔的清教戏剧进行分析,从中寻绎美国清教对奥尼尔戏剧创作所产生的影响。
- 21. Hawthorne is frequently credited with portraying Puritanism in this novel in a remarkable authentic and convincing manner. Chapter 3 deals with the varied literary techniques employed in this novel.
- 霍桑在这篇小说中对清教习俗和教义的真实可信的描写为他赢得了广泛赞誉。
- 22. Hawthorne is frequently credited with portraying Puritanism in this novel in a remarkable authentic and convincing manner. Chapter 3 deals with the varied literary techniques employed in this novel.
- 霍桑在这篇小说中对清教习俗和教义的真实可信的描写为他赢得了广泛赞誉。