- 1. He is a self-declared populist.
- 他自称是一位平民主义者。
- 2. The populist party anointed him as its candidate.
- 人民党指定他为该党候选人。
- 3. He co-opted many nationalist slogans and cultivated a populist image.
- 他借鉴了很多民族主义的口号,塑造了个平民化的形象。
- 4. It's a shame that it's looked down on for being too populist.
- 它因太过平民而被看轻实在是一件憾事。
- 5. He is a populist, a lover of tabloids and a brilliant businessman.
- 他是一个平民论者、一位小报爱好者、一名杰出的商人。
- 6. But in 2000 Al Gore injected a strongly populist tone into his campaign.
- 但是,在阿尔·戈尔2000年的选战中却有很强的人民党调子。
- 7. The Hugo Chávez who emerges from their book is a complex and astute populist.
- 这本书中讲述的乌戈•查韦斯是一位思想复杂与精明的人民党主义者。
- 8. The rich are certainly not the only targets in the current populist backlash.
- 富人并不是当前反对势力针对的唯一目标。
- 9. Montana, which has a notably populist governor, has been pushing especially hard.
- 蒙大拿州那位以代表平民利益而闻名的州长,一直在特别努力的推动这件事。
- 10. The move is not quite that extreme; but it is driven by similar populist impulses.
- 这次行动并没有那么极端,但它被相同平民论者的刺激所推动。
- 11. Finally, I would like to comment on populist movement called 'Pragmatic SOA Governance'.
- 最后,我想对“务实SOA治理”运动发表一下我的观点。
- 12. William Langland was a populist sort of guy—which is probably why he mentions Robin Hood.
- 威廉·朗格兰是个有点平民论思想的人,也许这就是为什么他会提到罗宾汉。
- 13. Populist anger, especially if it has no coherent agenda, can go anywhere in times of want.
- 平民的怒火,特别是当它没有清晰的计划时,在必要的时候能够所向披靡。
- 14. Mr Scott was a new sort of weatherman, as cheerily populist as Stan, but more informative.
- 斯科特是新新天气预报员,和斯坦一样开朗亲切,但更有深度。
- 15. But if that outshines the populist power of a Geert Wilders, I myself would not presume to say.
- 但要说只盖过了一个威尔德斯的民粹力量,那连我自己都不会相信。
- 16. As a result it became nearly impossible to reverse Greece's system of populist support and entitlements.
- 因此,要颠覆希腊的民粹支持和利益体系几乎是不可能的。
- 17. She was relentlessly self-promoting, short-termist and populist, as for example when she imposed price caps on fuel.
- 她豪不松懈地进行自我宣扬,她是短期主义者和平民论者,比如她对燃料规定上限就是个例子。
- 18. He still has to convince rural voters that his administration is not about to reverse its predecessors' populist policies.
- Abhisit先生还没有说服乡村地区的选民相信他的新政不会有悖于前任们的平民政策。
- 19. The focus of Peters's later work was the management of continuous change in a chaotic world. His books became ever more populist.
- 彼得斯的后期管理学书籍的重心是在混沌世界的持续变化。
- 20. They seem to talk about it in their own terms, which to a public finance expert is, I don't know, very populist or unprofessional.
- 他们似乎在用各自的术语表达“风险管理,这也许对于一个财政专家来说,听起来很平民化或者很不专业。”
- 21. But that is not the only EU on offer: a corporatist, cosy, populist union sounds very plausible to Europe’s ageing, anxious voters.
- 但这并非欧盟唯一可利用的:一个社团主义、温馨宜人、人口众多为一体的联盟听起来很受欧洲那些年老并心急火燎的选民的欢迎。
- 22. The temptation, when coming up with projects such as these, is to plump with much bravado for either an elitist or a populist approach.
- 当提出这样的计划时,由此所引起的诱惑,不论是对优秀人物还是普通平民的做法来说,都充满着很多虚张声势。
- 23. And while the plan stands little chance of passing Congress, its populist pitch is one that the White House believes the public can support.
- 而且处于这项计划没有任何机会通过国会之机,其平民论调是白宫相信公众可能支持这项计划。
- 24. The Republicans, echoing the anger of conservative populist “Tea Party” activists, have said that this will only encourage future bail-outs.
- 共和党认为该提议只会鼓励未来对银行的救助,这说法附和了保守的”茶叶党”活跃分子的激愤。
- 25. The Republicans, echoing the anger of conservative populist “Tea Party” activists, have said that this will only encourage future bail-outs.
- 共和党认为该提议只会鼓励未来对银行的救助,这说法附和了保守的”茶叶党”活跃分子的激愤。