- 1. A memorial service is planned at Pomona College.
- 坡摩那学院正在筹备一场纪念哀悼会。
- 2. Pomona jumped up, furious, and ordered him out of the orchard.
- 波蒙娜一下跳了起来,火冒三丈,命令他离开果园。
- 3. Pomona jumped up, furious, and ordered him out of the orchard.
- 火冒三丈,命令他离开果园。
- 4. I attend CAL Poly Pomona and I'm majoring in Chemical Engineering.
- 我参加原本果树女神,我主修化学工程学。
- 5. No one excelled Pomona in love of the garden and the culture of fruit.
- 在爱护花草培植水果方面没有人能比得上波摩娜。
- 6. People continued to celebrate the festivals of samhain and Pomona day.
- 人们继续庆祝森庆节和珀莫拉节。
- 7. These festivals often honored gods of fruits, such as the Roman Pomona.
- 这些节日常尊神的水果,如罗马的珀莫拉。
- 8. Originate from Pomona in California, this band is famous for its handmade.
- 这种冰淇淋起源于加州的波莫纳,以纯手工制作著称。
- 9. In 2002 he was named the first Roy e. Disney professor of creative writing at Pomona College.
- 在2002年,他被命名为首位罗伊。E .迪斯尼教授,在坡摩那学院教授创作。
- 10. He attended Pomona College, then studied art at the Otis art Institute and illustration under Pruett Carter at Chouinard.
- 他在波莫纳学院学习,然后在奥蒂斯艺术研究所和普鲁厄特·卡特下的从事艺术工作。
- 11. It is due out November 8th in an English language edition-the product of a collaborative effort between Yu Hua and Pomona College's Allan Barr.
- 英文版将于今年11月8日发行,该书英文版是余华和波莫纳大学的阿兰·巴尔合作的成果。
- 12. LaVerne University, Pomona University, and Claremont Colleges are all within 5 minutes of this hotel, and Cal State Poly State University is also nearby.
- 拉文大学,波莫纳大学,克莱蒙学院都在这家酒店的5分钟,加州州立聚州立大学也在附近。
- 13. One former Pomona student worked as a garbage collector on Long Island for a couple of summers rather than pursuing more-prestigious internships or travel.
- 一名前波莫纳的学生从事着夏天在长岛为一对夫妇收集垃圾的工作,而不是追求更有声望的实习或旅行。
- 14. "I do thank you for taking the time, Pomona, " Slughorn was saying courteously, "most authorities agree that they are at their most efficacious if picked at twilight. "
- 真是谢谢你费心,波莫娜,”斯拉格霍恩客气地说,“多数权威认为此药在黄昏时采摘药效最佳。”
- 15. The physics department is having an outing to Halona next weekend (professors and students), in a huge wooden cabin that Pomona owes, and I really look forward to that.
- 下个星期,学校物理系的师生将去哈诺啦一个巨大的木质小屋中进行课外活动,我非常渴望我也能参与。
- 16. The reality has actually measured up with my expectations pretty well, mostly because I did some thorough research about Pomona and liberal arts colleges when applying and before committing.
- 答:起初我请求并录取到这所学校的时分,我做了大量的前期工作。 令人开心是理想没有孤负我的期望。
- 17. The reality has actually measured up with my expectations pretty well, mostly because I did some thorough research about Pomona and liberal arts colleges when applying and before committing.
- 答:起初我请求并录取到这所学校的时分,我做了大量的前期工作。 令人开心是理想没有孤负我的期望。