- 1. The most important and influential of these philosophies was Neo-Platonism.
- 最重要和最有影响力的是,这些哲学新柏拉图主义。
- 2. Platonism itself might be called proto-Gnostic, that is, Gnosticism before Gnosticism.
- 柏拉图主义本身可以被称为原始诺斯替,也就是诺斯替之前的诺斯替。
- 3. He attributes the crisis of western culture of technology to the harm of Platonism.
- 他把西方技术文化的危机归结为柏拉图主义的危害。
- 4. Platonism began the West’s pursuit of abstract truth from the times of ancient Greece.
- 从古希腊时代起,柏拉图主义便开始了西方式的对抽象真理的追求。
- 5. They are therefore part of an emanationist theory, like that of the kabbalah in the west, or neo - platonism.
- 因此它们是散发理论的一部分,像西方的卡巴拉或新柏拉图派哲学。
- 6. The Platonism once was the rage in the 19th century and had branded "Metaphysical Love" into the Andersen's love view.
- 在19世纪,“柏拉图哲学”曾风靡一时,安徒生的爱情观就深深地打上了被伏尔泰称为“形而上学爱情”的柏拉图思想的烙印。
- 7. Nietzsche considered that this kind of Platonism could make people so depressed that people will fall into "nihilism".
- 尼采认为,这种柏拉图主义会使人们意志消沉,从而陷入“虚无主义”。
- 8. Inspired by Platonism, the modern culture justifies the mathematics and rational knowledge with the aesthetic character of the logic.
- 启示于柏拉图主义,近代文化通过逻辑审美特征来为数学和理性知识辩护。
- 9. And modern science, he believes, provides evidence to show that the Platonic view is just plain wrong. He titled his article "Let Platonism Die."
- 在他名为“让柏拉图主义死亡”的文章中,他坚信,现代科学可以提供证据来证明柏拉图的观点是错误的。
- 10. The influence that Platonism especially the theory of imitation, inspiration and imagination has exerted on romantic poets and their poetry is analyzed.
- 事实上,浪漫主义诗人受到柏拉图主义关于模仿、灵感和想象方面理论的启发,进而形成了自己的宣言和理论。
- 11. Nicolai Hartmann s value Platonism is a whole theory pattern, which is constituted of theory of value essence and relation and discovering and ideal and principle.
- 哈特曼的价值柏拉图主义是由价值本质论、关系论、发现论、理想论、原则论等观点构成的一个完整的理论范式。
- 12. Platonism and Hermetism are discussed in the Nag Hammadi collection, but there is no urge toward "world destruction" or even the deliberate disruption of the social order.
- 柏拉图主义与赫密斯主义在拿戈玛第著作集中得到了讨论,但是并没有任何对“毁灭世界”甚至蓄意摧毁社会秩序的意思表示。
- 13. However, it is no other than Platonism which initiates the road of western modern reason society. And it exerts effects on about two thousand years 'history of western society.
- 然而,可以说正是柏拉图主义开创了西方现代理性社会的进程,并且主宰了西方此后两千多年的漫长历史。
- 14. However, it is no other than Platonism which initiates the road of western modern reason society. And it exerts effects on about two thousand years 'history of western society.
- 然而,可以说正是柏拉图主义开创了西方现代理性社会的进程,并且主宰了西方此后两千多年的漫长历史。