- 1. One day, Persephone was picking flowers in the valley with her companions.
- 有一天,泊瑟芬和同伴们在山谷中的草地上摘花,她惊奇的发现一朵银色的水仙,美的光彩照人。
- 2. The son of Zeus and Persephone who was slain by the Titans and reborn as Dionysus.
- 宙斯和珀尔塞福涅的儿子。他被泰坦杀害,再生改名为狄俄尼索斯。
- 3. She watered the plants and crops, and picked flowers with her beautiful daughter Persephone.
- 她给植物和庄稼浇水,同漂亮的女儿帕尔塞福涅一起采花。
- 4. Seated with him on his ebony throne was Queen Persephone, the once fair goddess of vegetation whom he had abducted.
- 与他同坐在那乌木御座上的是冥后佩耳塞福涅,即从前的美丽女农神,她是被他劫持至此的。
- 5. When Demeter found out what happened to Persephone, she became so angry that she caused all plants to stop growing.
- 得墨忒耳得知此事后大发雷霆,她的神力让所有的植物都停止了生长。
- 6. All this were soon passed to Zeus, he punished Haiti, who ciuld not fight against the magic of Zeus, but he was really in love with Persephone.
- 海地士终究敌不过宙斯的法力,但他是真的爱着泊瑟芬。
- 7. Another version of the story states that the daughters were present when Persephone was ravished by Hades and bid Zeus for wings to pursue Hades.
- 感激该故事的另外一个版本是这样的:当普西·芬尼被哈得斯(冥王)抢走的时候,其女儿们都在场。
- 8. Hades, therefore, decided to take the girl without permission When Persephone was picking flowers in the garden, he seized her and took her to the underworld.
- 因而,当普西·芬尼在花圃里摘花的时分,哈迪斯抓住她把她掳去了冥府。
- 9. All of the earth suddenly split up, and still are a bright and sunny, green grass and the sky apart from the also echoed Persephone outside crying for help, as if nothing had happened.
- 裂开的大地倏然合上了,依然是阳光灿烂,绿草如茵,除了天空中还回荡着佩尔·塞福涅的呼救声外,好像什么也没发生过。
- 10. Every February since 1940 I have found myself thinking that this time winter is going to be permanent. But Persephone, like the toads, always rises from the dead at about the same moment.
- 从1940年开始,每年二月份我脑子里的念头都是:这个冬天永远过不去了总是能在同一时刻死而复生。
- 11. Coaxed into helping his friend Pirithous to kidnap Persephone, Theseus went down there, only to be chained to a black stone, and rescued later by Heracles when the latter came to steal Cerberus.
- 忒修斯被骗去帮助朋茇皮里托俄斯绑架冥后佩耳塞福涅,不料反被用锁链锁在一块黑石头上,直到后来赫刺克勒斯来盗三头犬刻耳柏罗斯时才获救。
- 12. Only be able to let her enjoy the pleasure of life, or she and the daughter of Zeus Health Persephone, an intelligent, beautiful, innocent, lively girl, and her together, no one will be sad and sad.
- 唯一能够让她享受生活乐趣的,还是她和宙斯生的女儿佩尔·塞福涅,一个聪慧、美丽、天真、活泼的姑娘,和她在一起,任何人都不会悲伤和忧愁。
- 13. Only be able to let her enjoy the pleasure of life, or she and the daughter of Zeus Health Persephone, an intelligent, beautiful, innocent, lively girl, and her together, no one will be sad and sad.
- 唯一能够让她享受生活乐趣的,还是她和宙斯生的女儿佩尔·塞福涅,一个聪慧、美丽、天真、活泼的姑娘,和她在一起,任何人都不会悲伤和忧愁。