- 1. Pericles was in Athens are reaching its peak.
- 伯里克利当政时期雅典臻于鼎盛。
- 2. It began to break down in the last years of Pericles.
- 到白里克里斯的最后年代,它就开始解体了。
- 3. Pericles and Abraham Lincoln were not very much alike.
- 伯里克利和亚伯拉罕·林肯并非十分相象。
- 4. I would also add the names of Pericles Lincoln and Churchill.
- 我还要加一些名字,像是伯里克·利斯,林肯,丘吉尔。
- 5. These more intimate theaters, called odea, date from the age of Pericles (450 BC) in Greece.
- 这些更亲切的剧院,叫“奥多”,时间追溯到希腊伯里克利时代(450BC)。
- 6. Dreaming souls weary of our time have desired to be transferred to the sublime age of Pericles.
- 爱好幻想的人,厌倦于我们时代的鄙俗,总想要转移到崇高的伯利·克里时代去。
- 7. The Time Period of the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras, philosopher, mathematician and teacher of Pericles.
- 希腊哲学家安那萨哥拉斯时期,哲学家,数学家,佩里克·利斯的老师。
- 8. We usually think of Greece as the home of Plato and Pericles, its real importance lying deep in antiquity.
- 其实每当提到希腊,我们就会想到它是古希腊哲学家柏拉图和古雅典伯里克利的故乡,而且古希腊时期是希腊最为重要的历史时期。
- 9. It was the imperialism of Athens in the age of Pericles that made it possible for Athenians to study philosophy.
- 使得雅典人有可能研究哲学的,乃是白里克里斯时代雅典的帝国主义。
- 10. Academically, that describes a period of ancient world history, as in Darius I, Pericles and Alexander the Great.
- 从学术角度上来讲,它描述了一段古历史,也就是大流士一世、伯利·克里和亚历山大大帝的时代。
- 11. The sea was no friendly element to unhappy Pericles, FOR long beFORe they reached Tyre another dreadful tempest arose.
- 海跟不幸的配力克里斯真是冤家对头,他们离泰尔还老远的时候,海上又起了一场可怕的风暴。
- 12. Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale, and The Tempest, written between 1608 and 1611, are Shakespeare's later comedies.
- 创作于1608年至1611年间的《佩力克尔斯》、《辛白林》、《冬天的故事》和《暴风雨》是莎士比亚的晚期喜剧。
- 13. It was at the height of its cultural achievements and imperial power in the fifth century b. c. during the time of Pericles.
- 公元前5世纪伯里克利时代,文化成就和国势达到巅峰状态。
- 14. At night white and coloured lights shine on the marble ruins and the words of Pericles come from microphones on the Acropolis.
- 晚上白色和彩色的灯光照射在大理石的废墟上,伯利克斯的话语由古城的扩音器里播出。
- 15. A floor below, he's built a museum for busts and paintings of his favorite world figures: Voltaire, Brutus, moliere, Michelangelo, Gandhi, Pericles, Sartre.
- 下面一层,他建了一个博物馆,陈列他最喜爱的世界名人的半身像和绘画作品:伏尔泰、布鲁特斯、莫里哀、米开朗琪罗、甘地、伯利克里、萨特。
- 16. We may feel with confidence that he has given us, with the added colour of his own experience, not merely the inner thought but much of the language of Pericles.
- 我们相信能体察到,除了凭其自身的阅历所添加的润色外,他不仅传递给我们很多伯里克利的语言,而且还有其内在的思想。
- 17. Some researchers question even the historical tradition that she was a hetaera , or courtesan, and have suggested that she may actually have been married to Pericles.
- 一些研究人员质疑并提出说她实际上可能和伯里克利是结了婚的。
- 18. Indeed, the great lawgiver Solon once contemplated making marriage compulsory, and in Athens under Pericles bachelors were excluded from certain important public positions.
- 事实上,伟大的立法者梭伦曾设想使婚姻义务教育,在雅典伯里克利单身汉下被排除在某些重要的公共职位。
- 19. Thucydides himself an athenian general who was sacked for his alleged failures at the battle of amphipolis judged the athenians to be rash and mercurial after the death of pericles.
- 修昔底德自己作为一名雅典的将军,声称由于在安菲玻里战役中败北而被解职,他认为在伯里克利死后,雅典人变得莽撞而狡诈善变。
- 20. Thucydides himself an athenian general who was sacked for his alleged failures at the battle of amphipolis judged the athenians to be rash and mercurial after the death of pericles.
- 修昔底德自己作为一名雅典的将军,声称由于在安菲玻里战役中败北而被解职,他认为在伯里克利死后,雅典人变得莽撞而狡诈善变。