- 1. So that all four strata of the Pentateuch are present.
- 使所有四个阶层的摩西五是本。
- 2. Hence we can safely regard the Wujing as a Pentateuch in China.
- 所以我们可以把《五经》看成是中国的Pentateuch。
- 3. It is one of the five books of the Old Testament that make up the Pentateuch.
- 此卷是《旧约》的五书之一,它们构成“摩西五经”。
- 4. It is during this period that tradition places the composition of a large part of the Pentateuch.
- 它是在这一时期,传统的地方,组成一个大的部分的。
- 5. So it certainly reached its final form in that period as did Deuteronomy, and the Pentateuch probably generally.
- 它就是在那个时期内最终成形的,《申命记》如此,摩西五经大部分可能也是如此。
- 6. Second of all in this story we see something that we'll see repeatedly in the Pentateuch, and that is that God has to punt a bit.
- 第二,这些书中的某些东西,我们可以频繁的在,《摩西五经》中看到,那是上帝的赌注。
- 7. The purpose of the Pentateuch was very different to codify the laws of the chosen people as well as to sum up their primitive history.
- 的目的是非常不同的摩西五编纂的法律选择的人以及他们的原始总结历史。
- 8. Some people say maybe he meant to reflect the five books of Torah the Pentateuch is the Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
- 有人说也许他意在映射妥拉的五经,它们是创世纪,出埃及记,利未记,民数记和申命记。
- 9. We have talked about the different sources that scholars believe they have been able to identify as comprising the five books of the Pentateuch.
- 我们已经讲过不同的资料来源,学者们相信他们能够确定,构成摩西五经的五部经书。
- 10. On the other hand, he had the Pentateuch, the first 5 books of the OT. He knew the first words in the scriptures: in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
- 而另一方面,透过他所熟知的摩西五书,也就是旧约的前五部书,他知道最早的经文便记载著「起初,神创造天地。」
- 11. Now, it's interesting because the other four books of the Pentateuch never mention a king. In Genesis through Numbers none of the legal materials say when you have a king this is what he shall do.
- 有趣的是,摩西五经中的其他四本经书,从来没有提到过国王,从《创世纪》到《民数记》,从没有一份正规的材料说,当你有了一位国王后,这些就是他应该做的事情。
- 12. Now, it's interesting because the other four books of the Pentateuch never mention a king. In Genesis through Numbers none of the legal materials say when you have a king this is what he shall do.
- 有趣的是,摩西五经中的其他四本经书,从来没有提到过国王,从《创世纪》到《民数记》,从没有一份正规的材料说,当你有了一位国王后,这些就是他应该做的事情。