- 1. 3-oxo-hexanoic acid ethyl ester;
- 丁酰乙酸乙酯; 3-氧代己酸乙酯;
- 2. The OXO Squeegee is useful in almost every room in your home.
- 在羰基合成刮刀是有用的几乎每一个在你家的空间。
- 3. Add OXO cubes and stir, then add the Beef and stir until browned.
- 加入OXO粉末,炒匀,然后加入牛肉糜,炒至肉糜。
- 4. The cost was equivalent with cyclopentanone liquid phase oxo-process.
- 其成本与环戊酮液相氧化法相当。
- 5. If you want an automobile with a twist, look no further than the Peugeot OXO.
- 如果您想要一个汽车与一捻,不要再观望,比标致氧。
- 6. Oxo ketene dithioacetals 1 are a kind of versatile intermediates in organic synthesis.
- 羰基二硫缩烯酮类化合物1是一类重要的有机合成中间体其。
- 7. The paper discussed the present situation and the progress of oxo alcohol production technology.
- 阐述了羰基合成醇生产的现状及生产技术的进展。
- 8. These amine substituted acid may polymerize in an analogous manner to unsubst stated oxo - anions.
- 这些氨取代酸可以与未取代的氧络阴离子相类似方式聚合。
- 9. Several important low pressure oxo processes for hydroformylations of propylene and butylenes were reviewed.
- 对近年来国内外低碳烯烃低压羰基合成醇的工艺进行了综述。
- 10. Speak in english: OXO is a company loved by chefs for designing better of old kitchen staples like the carrot peeler.
- OXO是一家深受厨师喜爱,转门设计厨房小器具的公司。
- 11. This is a review with 55 references on the progress of oxo-, cyano-, thiocyanato- bridged polychromium complexes etc.
- 结合55篇参考文献,概述了近年来氧桥联、氰桥联、硫氰根桥联等多核配合物的研究进展状况。
- 12. Recovery and utilization technology of waste catalyst containing rhodium produced by Oxo synthesis reaction is described.
- 介绍了羰基合成反应产生的废铑催化剂的回收利用技术。
- 13. AIM To study the effect of 3,4 oxo isopropylidene shikimic acid (ISA) against arteriovenous shunt and middle cerebral artery thrombosis (MCAT) in rats.
- 目的研究异亚丙基莽草酸(ISA)对大鼠动静脉环路血栓、大脑中动脉栓塞及血小板聚集的对抗作用及机制。
- 14. Oxo bridged polynuclear iron complex which serve as model compounds for the active site in metallic protein and enzymes has been studied for many years.
- 氧桥多核铁配合物作为一些金属蛋白和金属酶的模型化合物,得到了广泛的研究。
- 15. Technic routes of producing higher alcohols is explained in systematic way and OXO process using ethylene as starting material is described with emphasis.
- 系统介绍了高碳醇的生产技术路线,重点介绍了以乙烯为原料的碳基合成工艺。
- 16. The oxo reactionary processes are investigated , in which the oxidation corn starch and adhesive are made of corn starch and reactive positions by oxidant.
- 探讨了用玉米淀粉制备氧化淀粉、淀粉粘合剂的氧化反应历程和氧化剂进攻部位。
- 17. When advertising works successfully it confirms the stories we already believe – think of the OXO family – or it shakes us up, so we know the story's been subverted.
- 当广告宣传很成功的时候,它巩固了我们对原本就相信的事物的看法。 又或者摇醒我们,让我们知道原有的观念是错的。
- 18. Many studies show that 4-oxo-dihydroquinolines have good oral bioavailability and plasma clearance, and they suppress both the DNA polymerase of HSV and virus replication in the cells.
- 多项研究表明,4 -氧代二氢喹啉类有良好的口服利用率及中等程度的血浆清除率,不仅对核苷酸聚合酶产生抑制,还可以抑制细胞内的病毒复制。
- 19. Allene oxide cyclase (AOC) catalyzes the stereospecific cyclization of an unstable allene oxide to (9S, 13S)-12-oxo-(10,15Z)-phytodienoic acid, which is the precursor next to jasmonic acid.
- 丙二烯环化氧化酶AOC能把一种不稳定的具有立体特异性的丙二烯环化物催化氧化成(9S,13S)-12-O-(10,15Z)-植物二烯酸,此植物二烯酸是茉莉酸的最终前体。
- 20. The compound 6-(2-methoxy phenoxy)-1, 4-dihydrogen-4-oxo-3-ethyl quinoline carboxylate is prepared with o-methoxyphenol and p-chloronitrobenzene as materials and through four-step reaction.
- 以邻甲氧基苯酚与对氯*为原料,经四步反应合成6-(2-甲氧苯氧基)-1,4-二氢-4-氧代-3-喹啉羧酸乙酯。经抗鸡球虫实验证明具有抗球虫效果。
- 21. Gas chromatography(GC) as a chemical reactor, methyl acetoacetate, ethyl acetoacetate, and methyl(3-oxo) pentanoate can undergo transesterfication with various alcohols without any catalyzers.
- 在气相色谱上,乙酰乙酸甲酯、乙酰乙酸乙酯、3-氧代戊酸甲酯与醇在无任何催化剂存在下,发生酯交换反应。
- 22. This review describes two kinds of new anti-HSV drugs, 4-oxo-dihydroquinolines and cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) -containing oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN), which have been developed in recent years.
- 近年来发现4 -氧代二氢喹啉类和含有非甲基化胞嘧啶鸟嘌呤二核苷酸序列的寡脱氧核苷酸为抗单纯疱疹病毒的新药。
- 23. This review describes two kinds of new anti-HSV drugs, 4-oxo-dihydroquinolines and cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) -containing oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN), which have been developed in recent years.
- 近年来发现4 -氧代二氢喹啉类和含有非甲基化胞嘧啶鸟嘌呤二核苷酸序列的寡脱氧核苷酸为抗单纯疱疹病毒的新药。