- 1. His son Orestes killed his mother and was pursued by the Furies.
- 他的儿子杀死了自己的母亲,又被愤怒女神追捕。
- 2. In the first play, Agamemnon, the father of Orestes, is murdered by his wife, Clytemnestra.
- 在第一部曲中,俄瑞斯忒斯的父亲阿伽门农被自己的妻子克莱·特尼·斯特拉所杀害。
- 3. At the trilogy's conclusion, Orestes is vindicated by Athena , the highest of all Greek goddesses.
- 三部曲的最后,希腊女神中地位最高的雅典娜出面为俄瑞斯忒斯辩白,使他免于责罚。
- 4. The last play concerns the punishment of Orestes at the hands of the Furies, or Erinyes, the goddesses who purge him of the sin of matricide.
- 最后一部曲的内容则讲述了复仇女神,也称作厄里尼厄斯欲以弑母之罪惩罚俄瑞斯忒斯。
- 5. The wife of Agamemnon who, with the assistance of her lover Aegisthus, murdered him on his return from the Trojan War and was later murdered by her son Orestes.
- 克莱登妮丝特拉亚格门农的妻子,在情人埃癸斯托斯的帮助下,在其从特洛伊战争返回中将其谋杀,之后她自己也为其子奥瑞提斯所杀。
- 6. In the Eumenides, Athena convenes a trial for Orestes, in which Apollo and the Furies argue against each other as to whether Orestes should pay for his crimes with death.
- 在欧墨尼得斯,雅典娜召开审判奥雷斯特斯,其中阿波罗和复仇女神反对对方是否奥雷斯特斯应为自己的罪行与死亡。
- 7. The king of Mycenae and leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War, who was the son of Atreus and the father of Orestes, Electra, and Iphigenia; His wife Clytemnestra killed him upon his return from Troy.
- 迈锡尼的国王,特洛伊战争中的希腊联军统帅,阿特柔斯的儿子,俄瑞斯忒斯、伊莱克特拉以及依菲琴尼亚的父亲。
- 8. The king of Mycenae and leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War, who was the son of Atreus and the father of Orestes, Electra, and Iphigenia; His wife Clytemnestra killed him upon his return from Troy.
- 迈锡尼的国王,特洛伊战争中的希腊联军统帅,阿特柔斯的儿子,俄瑞斯忒斯、伊莱克特拉以及依菲琴尼亚的父亲。