- 1. OJ Mayo is equal parts ice and fire.
- 梅奥是冰和火的混合体。
- 2. How long does OJ keep before it loses vitamins?
- 在橙汁流失维他命前应该储存多长时间呢?
- 3. Objective To reduce rate oj patients anchovy poisoning.
- 目的减轻中毒症状,提高治愈率,降低死亡率。
- 4. The ACM OJ at the university on 45 problem-solving report. All passed.
- 说明:在北大的ACMOJ上的45个题的解题报告。全部通过的。
- 5. OJ and its complications are highly associated with intestinal microbiota.
- 阻黄及其引起的并发症与肠道菌群密切相关。
- 6. For example, you could have 2 natural eggs, plain oats for oatmeal, and a glass of OJ.
- 例如,你可以选择2枚鸡蛋,用普通的燕麦熬成的粥,接着再来一杯橙汁。
- 7. Personally, I think Chen would've been better than OJ if he was born in the states.
- 我个人认为,如果他生长在美国的话,他能够比OJ 取得更加出色的成就。
- 8. A Los Angeles case that mesmerizes America for nearly 2 years: the trial of OJ Simpson.
- 洛杉矶一宗案件让美国迷惑了2年,就是辛普森杀妻案。
- 9. Do you remember the publishing debacle that was OJ Simpson's book entitled If I did it?
- 你还记得出版的崩溃,这是法院组织辛普森的书名如果我这样做呢?
- 10. In Atlanta he met Otis Williams, who is now a rapper known by the stage name OJ da Juiceman .
- 在亚特兰大,他会见了奥的斯威廉姆斯,谁是现在的艺名是一所著名说唱歌手辛普森达Juiceman 。
- 11. Down the street is the OJ (for “obstruction of justice”) House, which is decorated with those two letters.
- 沿着街道往下是OJ(“妨碍司法”obstructionof justice的缩写)之家,这所房子就用许多O字母和J字母加以装饰。
- 12. "Coach (Hollins) just keeps telling us to play defense, rebound and run," second-year guard OJ Mayo said.
- “教练(霍林斯)只是一味地让我们的防守,抢篮板和运行,”二年级后卫辛普森·梅奥说。
- 13. Guards OJ Mayo (front) and Mike Conley are looking forward to the Grizzlies' up-tempo offense this season.
- 梅奥卫队辛普森(前)和康利期待着灰熊队的快节奏进攻,本赛季。
- 14. Allen Iverson and OJ Mayo are learning how to play together and how to run coach Lionel Hollins' up-tempo offense.
- 艾弗森和辛普森·梅奥正在学习如何一起玩以及如何运行教练霍林斯'快节奏的进攻。
- 15. Since we're not big juice drinkers in our house, OJ usually only makes its way into our fridge when guests come to visit.
- 由于我们不是“橙汁迷”,所以通常来说都是把它放在冰箱储存以备招待客人。
- 16. Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code (OJ L 302, 19.10.1992, p.1).
- 1992年10月12日(EEC) 2913/92号理事会条例,建立了共同体海关法(OJL 302,1992年9月19日,第1页)。
- 17. This is a great quality product. My 2 year old loves it in her OJ, and I know she's getting a little extra nutritional bump.
- 这是品质很高的产品,我2岁的孩子很喜欢在她的橙汁中喝,我也知道这给她添加特别的营养成分。
- 18. The landscaper said OJ Simpson left abusive message on his answering machine, then OJ drove over to Gonzales' house with Prody.
- 该景物梗说,辛普森留下讯息辱骂他的电话答录机,黄疸,然后驱车到冈萨雷斯的房子。
- 19. For variety, make lemonade, squeeze limes on melon, add grapefruit to salad, and instead of drinking soda, fizz up OJ with sparkling water.
- 其实有很多的品种,拿些柠檬水,榨些酸橙汁到甜瓜里,将葡萄柚添加到沙拉里,用这些来代替喝苏打水,橙汁加到苏打水里也可以。
- 20. Reversal of Fortune was based on a book by Harvard law Professor Alan Dershowitz, who defended Mr Von Bulow and also acted for OJ Simpson.
- “命运的逆转”是根据哈佛法学教授阿兰·德绍维兹的所著书籍改编而成的,阿兰·德绍维兹曾在重审时为冯·比洛先生辩护,他还是辛普森案件的律师。
- 21. This paper tries to discover the characteristicses of OJ and PCF of IT industry staff and their relationship in the method of demonstration.
- 因此,本研究旨在通过实证研究的方法,探究IT行业员工组织公平感与心理契约履行的特性以及二者之间的关系。
- 22. Objective To explore the effects of postoperative enteral nutrition(EN)on red cell immune function of patients with obstructive jaundice(OJ).
- 目的研究术后肠内营养支持对梗阻性黄疸患者红细胞免疫功能的影响。
- 23. The first season of the anthology drama centered around the OJ Simpson trial picked up many awards, including an Emmy for outstanding limited series.
- 《美国犯罪故事》第一季故事主要讲述了辛普森公诉案,该剧斩获了包括艾美奖最佳限定剧在内的多项大奖。
- 24. The crash barriers were in place, Lewis Avenue was shut down, but nobody turned up, barring a few eccentrics hawking, appropriately enough, OJ memorabilia.
- 公路上安放了防撞栏,李维斯大道被关闭了,但是那些蜂拥的人潮没有出现,除了一些古怪的叫卖OJ的纪念品的人。
- 25. ObjectiveTo study the significance of the change of serum nitric oxide(NO) level in the obstructive jaundice(OJ) patients complicated with renal dysfunction.
- 目的探讨梗阻性黄疸患者并发肾功能损害时血清一氧化氮(NO )的变化及其意义。
- 26. The negative elastic modulus method, highly accurate, easy to use, is useful in many cases, and it brings great convenience to the stress analysis oJ structures.
- 负弹模法可适用于多种情况,且精度高又省事,为结构应力分析带来极大方便。
- 27. Methods:The optimum composition and condition for the extraction of OJ were obtained by orthogonal test whose indications were the content of the total flavonoid and the hyperin.
- 方法:采用正交设计法,因素为溶剂用量、浓度、提取时间和次数,以总黄酮及金丝桃苷含量为指标综合分析。
- 28. A selection method of the structure of reversible transmission system with pulse electric current and a design oJ digital regulator are put forward and the results of emulating study are also given.
- 本文提出了工作在电流断续状态下可逆传动系统结构形式的选择与数字调节器的设计方法;同时配以仿真研究结果。
- 29. A selection method of the structure of reversible transmission system with pulse electric current and a design oJ digital regulator are put forward and the results of emulating study are also given.
- 本文提出了工作在电流断续状态下可逆传动系统结构形式的选择与数字调节器的设计方法;同时配以仿真研究结果。