- 1. These finds, together with later finds, comprise all that experts know about Minoan culture.
- 这些发现,连同之后的发现,是专家对米诺斯文化的全部了解。
- 2. Greece's largest and most important Minoan palace ruins.
- 希腊米诺斯文明最大最重要的王宫遗址。
- 3. Perhaps the most unusual of these is the Minoan bull fighting.
- 很可能最不寻常的就是克里特文明的斗牛。
- 4. The most significant were the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations.
- 其中最重要的是米诺斯文明和迈锡尼文明。
- 5. The archaeologist dated the ruins as belonging to the early Minoan period.
- 这位考古学家确定该废墟属于早期弥诺斯时期。
- 6. The seventh task is to Crete, the king of the Minoan white bull caught.
- 第七件任务是去克里特,把国王弥诺斯的白公牛捉来。
- 7. Santorini was also a Minoan land, and ruins can be found throughout the island.
- 圣多里尼也是克里特的国土,整个岛屿都可以找到遗迹。
- 8. It also has stunning historic sites like the famed 4,000-year-old Minoan palace of Knossos.
- 岛上还有着令人叹为观止的历史遗迹,像已有4000年历史、著名的米农文明克诺萨斯宫殿。
- 9. The Minoan civilization disappeared suddenly at about the same time as the volcanic eruption.
- 米诺斯文明的突然消失与这次火山爆发几乎同时。
- 10. Around 1900, there were many excavations of Minoan Crete that produced a wealth of discoveries.
- 1900年前后,有许多发掘克里特岛的米诺斯产生了丰富的发现。
- 11. Excavations of ancient Minoan frescos on the Island of Crete indicate that games involving bulls started as early as 1500 B.C..
- 位于克里特岛上所发掘的古代克里特人的壁画表明涉及到公牛的狩猎活动最早可追溯到公元前1500年。
- 12. Then there are others who maintain that our hero was a nameless MINOAN (a native of ancient Crete) who lived some 4, 000 years ago.
- 而有些人认为应该是生活在4000年前的某位无名克里特人(生活在古克里特岛上)发明的。
- 13. C in Minoan Dynasty, Culture in the island is unprecedented prosperity, built large-scale palace, Produce a lot of porcelain Crafts.
- 约在公元前2600—公元前1125年的米诺斯王朝时代,岛上文化空前繁荣,建造了规模宏大的宫殿,制造出许多精美的工艺品。
- 14. There is evidence to show that athletic contests took place in Ancient Egypt and in the ancient Minoan civilization on the island of Crete.
- 有证据表明在古埃及和克利特岛上的古弥诺斯文化中就举行过体育比赛。
- 15. One such volcano-induced landslide occurred thousands of years ago in the Greek islands, causing the Minoan civilization to be wiped from the map.
- 数千年前在希腊岛屿就发生了这样的一场引发火山的山崩,导致古希腊克里特文明从此消失。
- 16. Let's have a look at the evidence which suggests that Minoan Crete and surrounding islands bear a striking resemblance to what Plato described as Atlantis.
- 让我们看看克里特文明的克里特岛和周边岛屿的证据,与柏拉图描述的亚特兰蒂斯惊人地相似。
- 17. Archaeological records show that the Minoan culture spread its dominion throughout the nearby islands of the Aegean very roughly from3000years BC to about1400years BC.
- 考古学的记录表明了克里特文明把它的主权延伸到爱琴海的周边岛屿,粗略地估计是大约在公元前3000年到公元前1400年。
- 18. Archaeological records show that the Minoan culture spread its dominion throughout the nearby islands of the Aegean, very roughly from 3000 years BC to about 1400 years BC.
- 考古学的记录表明了克里特文明把它的主权延伸到爱琴海的周边岛屿,粗略地估计是大约在公元前3000年到公元前1400年。
- 19. Many ancient greek myths take their location from minoan crete more than ten centuries before plato. Daedalus the ancient scientist was supposedly the architect of the palace at knossos.
- 很多比柏拉图时期早一千年的古希腊传说是发生在克里特岛文明。代达罗斯,古代科学家,按照推测是克诺索斯宫殿的建筑师。
- 20. Many ancient Greek myths take their location from Minoan Crete more than ten centuries before Plato. Daedalus, the ancient scientist, was supposedly the architect of the palace at Knossos.
- 很多比柏拉图时期早一千年的古希腊传说是发生在克里特岛文明。代达罗斯,古代科学家,按照推测是克诺索斯宫殿的建筑师。
- 21. Many ancient greek myths take their location from minoan crete more than ten centuries before plato. daedalus , the ancient scientist, was supposedly the architect of the palace at knossos.
- 很多比柏拉图时期早一千年的古希腊传说是发生在克里特岛文明。代达罗斯,古代科学家,按照推测是克诺索斯宫殿的建筑师。
- 22. Many ancient greek myths take their location from minoan crete more than ten centuries before plato. daedalus , the ancient scientist, was supposedly the architect of the palace at knossos.
- 很多比柏拉图时期早一千年的古希腊传说是发生在克里特岛文明。代达罗斯,古代科学家,按照推测是克诺索斯宫殿的建筑师。