- 1. He was listed as MIA.
- 他被列为战斗失踪人员。
- 2. Mia realized her trick had rebounded on her.
- 米娅意识到她的伎俩反而害了自己。
- 3. In this film, Mia, a woman with intellectual impairment from Beirut, Lebanon, talks about the discrimination that she has faced in education.
- 在这部影片中,米娅这位来自黎巴嫩贝鲁特的智障妇女,谈论了她在教育方面所受到的歧视情况。
- 4. Mamma Mia! Helped change that.
- 《妈妈咪呀》音乐剧改变了那一切。
- 5. It's allowed Mia to become much more sociable.
- 这款软件让米亚变得更加合群了。
- 6. The plan is to tour Mamma Mia! For at least a year.
- 按计划《妈妈咪呀》要进行一年的巡回演出。
- 7. But first, he'll be happy if Mamma Mia! Gets decent reviews.
- 不过首先,如果《妈妈咪呀!》得到良好的评价,他会感到高兴。
- 8. If there is such a thing as global culture, Mamma Mia! Must be it.
- 如果真有什么全球文化的话,妈妈咪呀无疑就是一个。
- 9. More than 45 million people, in over 300 cities have already seen Mamma Mia! On stage.
- 在300多个城市,超过4500万人观看了舞台上的《妈妈咪呀》。
- 10. They have one son together, and Winslet has a nine-year-old daughter, Mia, with Threapleton.
- 他们育有一子。温斯·莱特还和第一任丈夫塞普·莱顿育有一个9岁的女儿米娅。
- 11. They have one son together, and Winslet has a nine-year-old daughter, Mia, with Threapleton。
- 他们育有一子。温斯莱特还和第一任丈夫塞普莱顿育有一个9岁的女儿米娅。
- 12. Translating Mamma Mia! Into Mandarin is meant to start the long process of bridging that gap.
- 将妈妈咪呀翻译成中文就是为了开始弥合这种隔阂。
- 13. Only the lyrics to the songs provide a tip-off this is not your classic staging of Mamma Mia!
- 只有歌词提示你这不是经典的舞台剧妈妈咪呀!
- 14. The MeeGo project is also working on a version for "connected TVs," but the tablet version is MIA.
- MeeGo项目也有“连接电视”的版本,但平板电脑部分是MIA。
- 15. To that storybook end, Pedro ends up buried in a tunnel, and Mia embarks on a journey to find him.
- 随着故事情节的推进,佩德罗在一次事故中被埋进了一处隧道中,于是米娅开始了踏上了寻找父亲的漫漫历程。
- 16. 'Another great thing about the iPhone is that it's portable, so we can use it when Mia is out and about.'
- 还有一个好处是iPhone可以随身携带,所以我们在米亚外出走动时也可以使用。
- 17. Because of my connection with Mia, my relationship with buying, reading and writing books has never been the same.
- 出于我和Mia的连接,我与买书,读书,写书的关系从不相同。
- 18. The ten most popular names for girls were: Olivia, Ruby, Grace, Emily, Jessica, Sophie, Chloe, Lily, Mia and Lucy.
- 给女孩最流行的名字是:奥利维亚、鲁比、格雷斯、艾米丽、杰西卡、索菲、克洛伊、莉莉、米亚和露丝。
- 19. One of last year’s biggest sellers was the cast recording of “Mamma Mia!”, which features songs by ABBA, a fizzy 1970s pop group.
- 去年最多销售之一的是“妈妈米娅”,该特色歌曲由一支上世纪70年代泡泡流行乐团ABBA。
- 20. Mamma Mia! Is absolutely essential - it is the first step towards the integration of talent, capital, concept and marketing strategy.
- 《妈妈咪呀!》当然是必要的,它是迈向人才、资本、理念和市场战略整合的第一步。
- 21. Former James Bond star Pierce Brosnan was awarded the worst supporting actor for his singing turn in the ABBA tunes musical Mamma Mia!
- 前任“007”皮尔斯·布鲁斯南凭借其在ABBA乐团打造的音乐剧《妈妈咪呀!》中的表演夺得最差男配角奖。
- 22. These sibling relationships have turned out to be even stronger than I expected, with Tom and Mia adoring their older brother and sisters.
- 陪伴着Tony和Mia的这些兄妹关系已经显得比我预期的更为强大。
- 23. The MIA (" Missing in Action ") Manager may work in a different office, constantly travel for work, or just be too busy for any real face time.
- MIA(不见踪影)的经理可能在不同办公室里办公,经常出差或太忙了没时间露面。
- 24. Mia Frederickson, the novel's heroine, is a 55-year-old poet whose husband of 30 years has just left her for a young French neuroscientist.
- 小说的女主人公,米娅·弗雷德里克森,55岁,她是一位诗人。她的丈夫30岁,刚刚为了一个年轻的法国神经学家弃她而去。
- 25. Mia Frederickson, the novel's heroine, is a 55-year-old poet whose husband of 30 years has just left her for a young French neuroscientist.
- 小说的女主人公,米娅·弗雷德里克森,55岁,她是一位诗人。她的丈夫30岁,刚刚为了一个年轻的法国神经学家弃她而去。