- 1. The settlements outside the blocks would wither and die, says Silvan Shalom, a Likud deputy prime minister and longtime foe of the prime minister.
- 利库德集团副总理、首相的长期敌人西尔万·沙洛姆表示,这些街区之外的定居点将会消亡。
- 2. Nor are Likud and Hamas.
- 利库德集团和哈马斯也不会。
- 3. The guess is that he would rather align with Kadima than with the Likud.
- 有猜测说他宁愿同前进党结盟,也不愿和利库德集团结盟。
- 4. The Hama's bombings had made a Likud victory in the election more likely.
- 哈马斯的爆炸很可能会使得利库德在大选中获胜。
- 5. For Mr Netanyahu it will mean dumping some of his coalition partners and perhaps, too, some of his own Likud loyalists.
- 而对于内塔尼亚胡先生来说,这意味着处理掉一些他的联盟的搭档,甚至是他自己利库德集团内的某些忠诚人士。
- 6. With security as a major concern in the elections, polls have hardliner Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud party in the lead.
- 进行这次选举的主要忧虑是安全问题,民意调查显示强硬派候选人内塔尼亚胡及其利库德党居领先地位。
- 7. Binyamin Netanyahu's Likud is, according to opinion polls, the front-runner, but it is likely to win fewer than 30 of the Knesset's 120 seats.
- 据民意测验显示,本杰明·内塔尼亚胡(Binyamin Netanyahu)领导的利库德集团目前领先,不过它可能至多赢得议会120席中的30席。
- 8. KADIMA, the centrist party led by Tzipi Livni, appears to have won the first battle of the Israeli election, over Likud, led by Binyamin Netanyahu.
- 在以色列大选的首轮回合中,齐皮•利夫尼(Tzipi Livni)领导的中间党派前进党(KADIMA)似乎打败了本雅明•内塔尼亚胡(Binyamin Netanyahu)领导的利库德集团(Likud)。
- 9. KADIMA, the centrist party led by Tzipi Livni, appears to have won the first battle of the Israeli election, over Likud, led by Binyamin Netanyahu.
- 在以色列大选的首轮回合中,齐皮•利夫尼(Tzipi Livni)领导的中间党派前进党(KADIMA)似乎打败了本雅明•内塔尼亚胡(Binyamin Netanyahu)领导的利库德集团(Likud)。