- 1. By 2001 Lambeth council had admitted that new schools were needed.
- 直到2001年,Lambeth市议会终于承认当地确实需要一些新的学校。
- 2. By 2001 Lambeth council had admitted th at new schools were needed.
- 直到2001年,Lambeth市议会终于承认当地确实需要一些新的学校。
- 3. In the borough of lambeth two births is five are to unmarried mothers.
- 在兰贝斯区,五分之二的婴儿是由未婚母亲产下的。
- 4. A spokesman at Lambeth Palace said Williams was fully behind the bishops' initiative.
- 兰博思宫(注:坎特伯雷大主教官邸)的发言人称威廉姆斯完全支持主教们的行动。
- 5. Opposite this grandeur on the surrey side were the dingy warehouses and factories of lambeth.
- 在这壮观的景物对面,在萨里这一边,是兰贝斯的脏污的栈房和一家家工厂。
- 6. The bishops meet every ten years, at the invitation of the archbishop of Canterbury, in the Lambeth Conference.
- 主教满足每一个十年的邀请,于坎特伯雷大主教在琳宝大会。
- 7. Henry and Mary Ann Chandler were buried in Lambeth Cemetery along with the two children who had died in the fire.
- 亨利与玛丽与他们在火中丧生的两个孩子,一起被葬于朗伯斯墓地。
- 8. Not quite with their bare hands—the local council, Lambeth, renovated a disused Victorian school to house them until their permanent home is finished in 2009.
- 这个学校并不完全是由这些父母出资建造的,当地议会将一所废弃的维多利亚学校整修了一番,并将在2009年竣工。
- 9. SOMETHING extraordinary is happening in London this week: in Lambeth, one of the city's poorest boroughs, 180 children are starting their secondary education in a brand new school.
- 本周在伦敦发生了一件不寻常的事。在伦敦最贫穷的朗伯斯地区,180名孩子在一所新学校就读中学。
- 10. Lambeth, a south London borough, has long been known as the first home of the capital's black-Caribbean population: the passengers of the Empire Windrush mostly settled there in 1948.
- 伦敦南部自治区朗伯斯区(Lambeth)长期以来一直被认为是伦敦加勒比人的第一所在地,1948年帝国疾风号的乘客大部分在这定居。
- 11. Lambeth, a south London borough, has long been known as the first home of the capital's black-Caribbean population: the passengers of the Empire Windrush mostly settled there in 1948.
- 伦敦南部自治区朗伯斯区(Lambeth)长期以来一直被认为是伦敦加勒比人的第一所在地,1948年帝国疾风号的乘客大部分在这定居。