- 1. Jones has been axed from the team.
- 琼斯已被开除出队。
- 2. Jones scored the opener.
- 琼斯首先得分。
- 3. Smith and Jones met in last year's final.
- 史密斯和琼斯在去年的决赛中相遇。
- 4. I've reserved a room in the name of Jones.
- 我以琼斯的名字预订了一个房间。
- 5. A red-faced Mr. Jones was led away by police.
- 琼斯先生红着脸被警察带走了。
- 6. Katy Jones is nineteen and comes from Biloxi.
- 凯蒂·琼斯19岁,来自比洛克西。
- 7. The Dow Jones index fell 15 points this morning.
- 道琼斯指数今天上午下跌了15点。
- 8. The Dow Jones average closed down 7.49, or 0.1%.
- 道琼斯股票平均价格指数当天下挫7.49点,跌幅0.1%。
- 9. Jones was the architect of the team's first goal.
- 琼斯是球队入第一球的发动者。
- 10. Jones had set out to intimidate and dominate Paul.
- 琼斯曾试图威胁并控制保罗。
- 11. This guy bore a really freaky resemblance to Jones.
- 这家伙和琼斯真是少见的相像。
- 12. The bulky figure of Inspector Jones appeared at the door.
- 琼斯督察的壮硕身躯出现在门口。
- 13. Norma Jones worked as a packer in a local chemical factory.
- 诺玛·琼斯在本地一家化工厂作包装工。
- 14. Morris is likely to win, with Jones out of the picture now.
- 琼斯现已出局,莫里斯极有可能胜出。
- 15. Come, come, Miss Jones, you know perfectly well what I mean.
- 得啦,得啦,琼斯小姐,你完全知道我的意思。
- 16. The results of the poll dealt a humiliating rebuff to Mr. Jones.
- 民意测验的结果对琼斯先生来说是一个羞辱性的拒绝。
- 17. Jones himself was a curious mixture of radicalism and conservatism.
- 琼斯自己是个奇特的激进主义和保守主义的混合体。
- 18. Jones' lawyers are seeking an unreserved apology from the newspaper.
- 琼斯的律师正谋求得到报纸毫无保留的道歉。
- 19. Criminologist Dr. Ann Jones has linked the crime to social circumstances.
- 犯罪学家安·琼斯博士认为这起犯罪与社会环境有关。
- 20. She attended Crane High School and got her GED from Jones Commercial High School.
- 她上了克兰高中并从琼斯商业高中获得了普通同等学历证书。
- 21. Since his injury, Jones has become more of a liability than an asset to the team.
- 琼斯负伤以来,与其说他是全队的骨干倒不如说他已成为队里的累赘。
- 22. It will be sold to a joint venture created by Dow Jones and Westinghouse Broadcasting.
- 它将被卖给一家由道琼斯和西屋广播建立的合资企业。
- 23. In desperation, Mrs. Jones submitted to an operation on her right knee to relieve the pain.
- 绝望中,琼斯夫人不得已接受了一次她右膝的手术以减轻疼痛。
- 24. The tribunal is unique because Mr. Jones is not subject to the normal police discipline code.
- 这个审判很特别,因为琼斯先生不受一般的警务纪律约束。
- 25. Albert Jones' new style will inevitably put him in touch with a much more perse and perhaps younger audience.
- 艾伯特·琼斯的新风格无疑将使他接触更多形形色色的、或许更年轻的观众。
- 26. "Forget the lion!" Jones shouted.
- “忘记狮子!”琼斯喊道。
- 27. What about Barber Jones?
- 那巴伯·琼斯呢?
- 28. Jones agreed and began to take action.
- 琼斯同意了,并开始采取行动。
- 29. Jones forced his animals to work from birth to death.
- 琼斯强迫他的动物从出生到死亡都要干活。
- 30. They thought Jones was in danger and quickly ran to the farm.
- 他们认为琼斯有危险,并迅速跑到农场。