- 1. Jaycee is a fan of Michael Jackson.
- 房祖名是迈克尔·杰克逊的粉丝。
- 2. The lead actor, Jackie Chan, and his singer-actor son, Jaycee Chan, were seen in the pictures.
- 影片的主演成龙和他歌手兼演员的儿子房祖名一并出现在剧照中。
- 3. Jackie lives in one with his wife; his son, Jaycee Chan, also an actor and musician, lives in the other.
- 成龙与妻子住一座;他儿子,房祖名,也是一个演员和音乐人,住另一座。
- 4. Chan's son, Jaycee, is a singer and actor but has not followed in his father's footsteps as an action star.
- 成龙的儿子房祖名,是一名歌手和演员,但没有遵循父亲的足迹作一个动作明星。
- 5. I failed to be a good father and I deserve the blame. I take the responsibility and apologize to public on behalf of Jaycee!
- 我教子无方,也要负起责任,并替祖名一起向社会公众,深深鞠躬道歉。
- 6. Phillip Garrido calls Jaycee Dugard kidnapping a "heartwarming story Phillip and Nancy Garrido pleaded not guilty to kidnapping Jaycee Dugard."
- 菲利普加里多呼吁房祖名加尔德绑架“感人的故事菲利浦和南希加里表示不认罪绑架房祖名加尔德。
- 7. I am first in line to offer organizational criticism, offer my apologies to the victims and have accepted responsibility for having missed an earlier opportunity to rescue Jaycee.
- 我第一个要接受组织的批评,对被害者我很抱歉,并且我接受为错过较早时候的机会营救杰西而负责。
- 8. The first sequence is all about madness and mischief as a single mother (Zhuo Yun) drives her devoted son (Jaycee Chan) to distraction with her daredevil antics in pursuit of tranquility.
- 第一个故事讲的是关于疯狂和破坏,一个单身母亲周韵,因其追求安全宁静的古怪行为,总是搅乱她儿子房祖名的正常生活。
- 9. The story of Jaycee Dugard raised disturbing questions about both Stockholm syndrome and California's parole system, but it also rekindled hope that other long-missing children may be found alive.
- Jaycee Dugard的故事引发了人们对斯德哥尔摩综合症和加利福利亚假释制度的担忧,但同时又重新燃起寻找失踪多年儿童的希望。
- 10. The story of Jaycee Dugard raised disturbing questions about both Stockholm syndrome and California's parole system, but it also rekindled hope that other long-missing children may be found alive.
- Jaycee Dugard的故事引发了人们对斯德哥尔摩综合症和加利福利亚假释制度的担忧,但同时又重新燃起寻找失踪多年儿童的希望。