- 1. They do everything according to Hoyle.
- 他们一切都按照规定办理。
- 2. After Edmond Hoyle (1672? -1769), British writer on games.
- 源自爱德蒙·霍伊尔(1672 ? - 1769年),英国游戏作家。
- 3. The company holds a meeting on the first Monday every month according to Hoyle.
- 按照惯例,公司在每个月的第一个星期一都要开会。
- 4. The professor and his late colleague Sir Fred Hoyle championed the so-calledd " panspermia" theory from the 1960s.
- 自从上世纪60年代起,维克拉马辛教授和他的已故同事霍伊尔便倡导“有生源说(或称:胚种论)”的理论。
- 5. Hoyle, cynthia l. traffic calming. planners advisory service report # 456, american planning association. jul 1995
- 著交通稳静化,规划者咨询服务报告# 456号,美国规划协会, 1995年一月。
- 6. Then a little over a decade ago, professors hoyle, bondi, and gold, working at Cambridge, proposed an entirely different scheme.
- 然而十多年前,剑桥大学的霍伊尔、邦迪和哥尔德三位教授却提出了完全不同的学说。
- 7. "We are pleased for the family that we are able to bring him out - it has been a traumatic and immensely difficult time for them," Hoyle said.
- 霍伊尔说:“我们很欣慰终于可以把遗体带出来,这段时间对于殉职警官的家人来说很痛苦也很艰难。”
- 8. Meanwhile Ben Hoyle, writing in the Times of London, noted that the film "contains heavy implicit criticism of America's conduct in the War on Terror."
- 同时,本·霍伊尔,在伦敦《泰晤士报》上写到,该电影“包含很含蓄的对美国在反恐战争中的行为的批评”。
- 9. The great British astronomer Fred Hoyle suggested that the laws of physics were so uniquely conducive to human existence that the universe must be "a put-up job".
- 英国天文学家弗雷德·霍伊尔(FredHoyle)表示,物理定律对人类存在的帮助是如此独特,所以宇宙必须是“一个被设计好的东西”。
- 10. The great British astronomer Fred Hoyle suggested that the laws of physics were so uniquely conducive to human existence that the universe must be "a put-up job".
- 英国天文学家弗雷德·霍伊尔(FredHoyle)表示,物理定律对人类存在的帮助是如此独特,所以宇宙必须是“一个被设计好的东西”。