- 1. On arriving in New York, Dylan went directly to Greenwich Village.
- 迪伦一到纽约就直接去了格林威治村。
- 2. By age 16 he was playing professionally with bands in Greenwich Village.
- 到16岁时,他已在与格林尼治村的各乐队进行职业演出了。
- 3. When more than 26,000 gather at Greenwich tomorrow morning, only a few will be in the running to win the big prize money.
- 当明天上午26000多人齐聚格林威治时,只有少数人能够赢得巨额奖金。
- 4. The Expires header specifies a Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) expiry.
- Expires报头用于指定格林尼治标准时间(GreenwichMean Time,GMT)有效期。
- 5. Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twicea day.
- 格林尼治天文台的官员们每天两次派人矫正此钟。
- 6. A Metropolitan police spokesman said Greenwich CID had launched an investigation.
- 一位伦敦警察厅的发言人说,格林威治刑事侦查部发起了一项调查。
- 7. He lived with his parents on Park Avenue and spent his nights in Greenwich Village.
- 他与父母在帕克大街生活,晚上则到格林尼治村度过。
- 8. One hot spot is the Spotted Pig in Greenwich Village, where startup types congregate.
- 一个热门的地点是格林尼治村的花猪,创业类的人们聚集在那里。
- 9. Its size and cultural importance are akin to that of New York City's Greenwich Village.
- 它的规模与重要性类似于纽约的格林威治村。
- 10. I first read of the Salem murder many years ago in a Greenwich Village secondhand bookshop.
- 多年以前,我第一次读到萨勒姆谋杀案是在格林威治村(Greenwich Village)的一家二手书店里。
- 11. Which resonates better: "Service available in your area," or "Serving Greenwich since 1972"?
- 试试看,“您的社区服务商”或“始于1972年的格林威治小镇服务商”哪个更有亲和力?
- 12. Which resonates better: "Service available in your area, " or "Serving Greenwich since 1972"?
- 试试看,“您的社区服务商”或“始于1972年的格林威治小镇服务商”哪个更有亲和力?
- 13. At the age of nine, Tasha's parents porced, and she moved to Greenwich Village with her mother.
- 塔莎九岁时父母离异,她跟着母亲搬到了格林威治村。
- 14. Greenwich Park is the oldest of the Royal Parks and offers spectacular views over the river Thames.
- 格林威治公园是最古老的皇家公园,而且能在这里欣赏到泰晤士河壮观的景色。
- 15. A time zone is a geographic location relative to Greenwich, England that is used to calculate the time.
- 时区是值一个相对于英国格林威治的地理位置,用于计算时间。
- 16. After the 1884 Convention, Greenwich officially became the place where every day, year and century began.
- 1884年大会以后,格林威治正式成为每一天、每一年及每一世纪开始的地方。
- 17. To answer this question, let's use Universal time (UT), also sometimes referred to as Greenwich Mean time (GMT).
- 为了回答这个问题,我们要使用世界时间(ut),有时也被称为格林尼治标准时间(GMT)。
- 18. “Imagine waking up one morning and discovering that Chelsea, then Greenwich Village, have been replaced by malls, ” he said.
- Michael Meyer说“试想哪天早晨醒来发现切尔西(译者注:伦敦西南部一住宅区 为艺术家和作家的聚居地),然后是格林尼治村(译者注:指纽约或其他城市的文人、艺术家等的聚居区)被大商场取代了”。
- 19. They shun jacket and tie, exclude women from the workspace, and even aspire to replace Greenwich Mean Time with Mecca Mean Time.
- 他们拒绝夹克和领带,不允许妇女出现在工作场所,甚至自行创立一个麦加标准时间用以代替格林尼治标准时间。
- 20. But why does Mann, a mathematician based at the University of Greenwich in south London, support a north London team like Spurs?
- 但是为什么南部伦敦格林威治大学的数学家Mann会支持像马刺这样北伦敦的球队?
- 21. A couple caught in the snow last winter at the 17th-century Greenwich Naval College, London. To the right, shrouded in mist, is the River Thames.
- 去年冬天,一对情侣被困在伦敦17世纪格林威治海军学院的雪地里。右侧可以看到笼罩在薄雾中的是泰晤士河。
- 22. Greenwich thus became established as the location of the prime meridian of longitude, and the base line for calculating time zones around the world.
- 由此格林威治不仅作为起初子午线的所在地,也成为全球计算时区的基准线。
- 23. Pancras in central London to Olympic Park in seven minutes and a new cable car over the River Thames between Greenwich and the Docklands is underway.
- Pancras到奥林匹克公园只需要7分钟,跨越泰晤士河连通格林尼治和Docklands的新的缆车也正在进行中。
- 24. Substantial without being ostentatious, the Bentley fades into the background in Greenwich and Palm Beach and makes a quiet statement everywhere else.
- 这款宾利敞篷车皮实而不招摇,不过它们正淡出格林威治和棕榈滩,在其它某个角落静静地诉说自己曾经的荣耀。
- 25. The rare lunar eclipse has fallen on the winter solstice at the Greenwich meridian of December 21, 2010, making the day the "darkest" ever in 372 years.
- 2010年12月21日正午时分(格林尼治时间),月全食和冬至时间偶遇,于是372年来最“黑暗”的日子就此诞生。
- 26. My good friend Shane Markus who often helps me shop for clothes with style is the co-owner of a 30-year old vintage shop in Greenwich Village, New York.
- 我的好友ShaneMarkus经常帮我推荐时尚的衣服。
- 27. A year ago AQR, a prominent hedge fund in Greenwich, Connecticut, launched its first mutual fund; six more have since followed, the latest on January 5th.
- 一年前,康涅狄克州格林威治市出色的对冲基金AQR,首次发行共同基金;最近1月5日,超过六家公司自此跟进。
- 28. A year ago AQR, a prominent hedge fund in Greenwich, Connecticut, launched its first mutual fund; six more have since followed, the latest on January 5th.
- 一年前,康涅狄克州格林威治市出色的对冲基金AQR,首次发行共同基金;最近1月5日,超过六家公司自此跟进。