- 1. The Chartres Cathedral is facing northeast.
- 而沙特尔大教堂却是面向东北方。
- 2. But Chartres says that strategy can run into problems if it's not handled right.
- 但是,沙特尔说如果策略没有正确的处理的话可以会陷入困难。
- 3. Chartres Cathedral is remarkable because of its stained glass and the highly - acclaimed.
- 沙特尔大教堂则是因为其卓越非凡的彩色玻璃而享誉盛名。
- 4. Stained glass panel in the Cathedral of Chartres, the first depiction of a spinning wheel.
- 沙特尔主教堂彩色窗玻璃片上首次描绘的一辆纺车。
- 5. But Mr Chartres is clear that banning the use of wastewater in agriculture would be a mistake.
- 但Chartres先生非常明确地指出,禁止使用废水灌溉农田将是一个错误。
- 6. We agreed we wouldn't do sponsorship, cycling shoes, main roads, support vehicles or big towns, except Chartres.
- 我们一致同意不寻求赞助,不穿骑车鞋,不走大路,不用支持车辆,也不到大城镇,除了沙特尔。
- 7. The earliest surviving depiction of a spinning wheel is a panel of stained glass in the Cathedral of Chartres.[29]
- 最早幸存下来一辆纺车的描述是在沙特尔主教堂的一扇彩色窗玻璃上。
- 8. That is the only way we are going to feed everyone, " said Colin Chartres, who is the director general of IWMI.
- 那是唯一养活所有人的路子,”国际水资源管理研究所总干事科琳·沙特尔说。
- 9. The columned west portal of Chartres cathedral marks the beginning of the re-emergence of three-dimensional sculpture.
- 沙特尔大教堂的圆柱西波特尔商标的重新开始的三维雕塑的出现。
- 10. Even the God-loving people who fashioned the soaring vaults and delicate windows of Chartres had murder on their minds.
- 甚至连建造高耸拱形和致力于大教堂窗户设计的热爱上帝的人们也曾经在他们的思想中进行过谋杀。
- 11. The solution, Mr Chartres and others contend, is more efficient use of water or, as the sloganeers put it, “more crop per drop”.
- 应对之道是以Chartres为首的人声称的对水资源更充分的利用,或是标语作者声称的“用一滴水灌溉更多的庄稼”。
- 12. Meanwhile, in spite of wrangling committees and money shortages, st Paul's rose, with Wren holding fast, as they had at Chartres, to Plato and geometry.
- 与此同时,尽管委员会之间争吵不休,资金匮乏,圣保罗还是矗立了起来,就像当初的沙特尔一般,雷恩依旧忠于柏拉图和几何对称。
- 13. Tonight's lecture—a slide show about pagan symbolism hidden in the stones of Chartres Cathedral—had probably ruffled some conservative feathers in the audience.
- 今晚的报告-一幅有关隐藏于沙特尔大教堂基石上的异教符号幻灯片很可能呛了哪位保守听众的肺管了。
- 14. Why do we persist in the same contradictory behavior day after day, century after century, alternating between Chartres and the Crusades, between grief and gore, between moonwalks and megatons?
- 为什么我们日复一日,一个世纪又一个世纪地坚持同样矛盾的行为?
- 15. Why do we persist in the same contradictory behavior day after day, century after century, alternating between Chartres and the Crusades, between grief and gore, between moonwalks and megatons?
- 为什么我们日复一日,一个世纪又一个世纪地坚持同样矛盾的行为?