- 1. Catherine was a pious, earnest woman.
- 凯瑟琳是位虔诚、真挚的女子。
- 2. Catherine put all the envelopes aside unopened.
- 凯瑟琳把所有信封都放了进去,一个也没打开。
- 3. Catherine gripped the broken neck of the bottle.
- 凯瑟琳紧握着破裂的瓶颈。
- 4. Catherine demonstrated the proper way to cleanse the face.
- 凯瑟琳演示了洁面的正确方法。
- 5. The telephone rang. Catherine hesitated, debating whether to answer it.
- 电话响了。凯瑟琳迟疑着,考虑是否接听。
- 6. Douglas telephoned Catherine at her office. She refused to take his calls.
- 道格拉斯把电话打到凯瑟琳的办公室。她拒绝接听他的电话。
- 7. He bombarded Catherine with questions to which he should have known the answers.
- 他不停地追问凯瑟琳他本该知道答案的问题。
- 8. Catherine has two cousins.
- 凯瑟琳有两个表兄弟。
- 9. Catherine found a blank, unidentified envelope.
- 凯瑟琳找到了一封来源不明的空白信封。
- 10. The beer ran into the jug and Catherine stood looking on.
- 啤酒流入壶中,凯瑟琳站在一旁看着。
- 11. "It's all gone, and what can't be cured must be endured," said Catherine.
- “全都没了。收不回来的就算了。”凯瑟琳说。
- 12. "Oh, well!" said Catherine, with scornful compassion, "keep your secret. I'm no coward."
- “好吧!”凯瑟琳说,带着讥讽的怜悯,“保守你的秘密吧,我可不是懦夫。”
- 13. When Frederick and Catherine came down, there they found all their money safe and sound.
- 当弗雷德里克和凯瑟琳下了树,他们发现他们所有的钱都完好无损。
- 14. I loved Catherine; and her brother requires attendance, which, for her sake, I shall supply.
- 我爱凯瑟琳;而她的哥哥需要人侍候,为了她的缘故,我就来伺候他。
- 15. When Catherine joined Facebook, some of her classmates at high school started to add her as a friend.
- 当凯瑟琳使用脸书时,她的一些高中同学开始加她为好友。
- 16. "Yes, no wonder," was my next remark, "Catherine used to boast that she stood between you and bodily harm."
- “是的,难怪,”我接口说,“凯瑟琳经常夸口说她护住你,使你的身体不受伤害。”
- 17. On her sixteenth birthday, Catherine goes with Ellen onto the moor and meets Heathcliff to take her back to Wuthering Heights to meet Hareton.
- 在她十六岁的生日上,小凯瑟琳跟艾伦在荒野上玩,她们遇到了希斯克里夫并被带到呼啸山庄见哈里顿。
- 18. The present Catherine has no other likeness to her, except a breadth of the forehead and a certain arch of the nostril that makes her appear rather haughty.
- 现在的凯瑟琳没有别的地方像她,除了宽额和有点拱起的鼻孔,这使她显得简直有点高傲。
- 19. To familiar faces such as Dylan Thomas and Richard Burton have been added new icons such as Catherine Zeta·Jones, the movie star, and Bryn Terfel, the opera singer.
- 在迪伦·托马斯和理查德·伯顿这样熟悉的面孔中增加了新偶像,比如电影明星凯瑟琳·泽塔·琼斯和歌剧歌手布林·特费尔。
- 20. Sociologist Catherine Kohler Riessman reports in her new book Divorce Talk that most of the women she interviewed—but only a few of the men—gave lack of communication as the reason for their porces.
- 社会学家凯瑟琳·科勒·里斯曼在她的新书《离婚谈话》中写道,她采访的大多数女性——只有少数男性——认为缺乏沟通是他们离婚的原因。
- 21. Catherine Young road tests affordable waterproof jackets.
- 凯瑟琳·杨试穿了一件价格合适的雨衣。
- 22. Catherine the Great was a patron of the arts and sciences.
- 凯瑟琳大帝是艺术和科学的赞助人。
- 23. I thought her name was Catherine, but it's Kathryn spelt with a 'K'.
- 我原以为她叫Catherine,其实是Kathryn,以K开头。
- 24. After making her sister's birthday cake, Catherine tried making the second one for herself.
- 做完妹妹的生日蛋糕后,凯瑟琳试着给自己做了第二个。
- 25. A 15-year-old girl Catherine Cook and her brother David wanted more than this.
- 15岁的女孩凯瑟琳·库克和弟弟大卫想要的不止这些。
- 26. Months ago, my best friend Daisy was listening to me complaining about Catherine until she just became really angry.
- 几个月前,我最好的朋友黛西听我抱怨凯瑟琳,她非常生气。
- 27. Catherine and David wore T-shirts with the site logo to school and soon hundreds of their schoolmates became users of the site.
- 凯瑟琳和大卫穿着带有网站标志的 T 恤去学校,很快他们的数百名同学成为了该网站的用户。
- 28. Dr Catherine Hobaiter, who led the research, said that this was the only form of intentional communication to be recorded in the animal kingdom.
- 领导这项研究的凯瑟琳·霍拜特博士说,这是动物王国中唯一被记录的有意图的交流方式。
- 29. Catherine had thought about starting her own business years ago but she didn't start receiving orders until she put pictures of her cake designs on Facebook.
- 凯瑟琳几年前就想过创业,但直到她把自己设计的蛋糕照片上传到脸书上,她才开始收到订单。
- 30. Running the website did not stop Catherine and David from finishing their schoolwork successfully, and going on to university where they still spent 50 hours a week on the site.
- 运营这个网站并没有影响凯瑟琳和大卫成功完成学业,步入大学后,他们每周仍然花50个小时运营网站。