- 1. Until 2004, she lived in Canada.
- 到2004年为止,她一直住在加拿大。
- 2. They started life anew in Canada.
- 他们在加拿大开始新生活。
- 3. My aunt lives in Canada.
- 我的姑母住在加拿大。
- 4. This time tomorrow I'll be in Canada.
- 明天这个时候我就在加拿大了。
- 5. A similar situation prevails in Canada.
- 同样的情况在加拿大也普遍存在。
- 6. This is my aunt who's over from Canada.
- 这是我姑姑,她是从加拿大过来的。
- 7. Her parents paid for her to go to Canada.
- 她父母出钱送她去加拿大。
- 8. They went canoeing in the wilds of Canada.
- 他们去加拿大的野外划独木舟。
- 9. Perry spent part of his childhood in Canada.
- 佩里在加拿大度过了童年的部分时光。
- 10. They emigrated to start a new life in Canada.
- 他们移居加拿大,开始了新的生活。
- 11. The second edition was published only in Canada.
- 第2版只在加拿大出版。
- 12. Droves of dispossessed people emigrated to Canada.
- 大量被逐出境的人移居到了加拿大。
- 13. My uncle's branch of the family emigrated to Canada.
- 我们家族中我叔父的这一支移居到了加拿大。
- 14. In his speech, he referred to a recent trip to Canada.
- 在他的讲话中,他提到了最近的加拿大之行。
- 15. Canada will ban smoking in all offices later this year.
- 加拿大将于今年晚些时候禁止在所有办公场所吸烟。
- 16. Shipping charges on orders sent to Canada are paid C.O.D.
- 加拿大订单的运输费用是货到付现款。
- 17. Many of the refugees were resettled in Britain and Canada.
- 许多难民被安置到英国和加拿大。
- 18. My grandparents emigrated to Canada to try their luck there.
- 我的祖父母移民到加拿大去碰碰运气。
- 19. By contrast, the comparable figure for Canada is 16 percent.
- 对比之下,加拿大的可比数字是16%。
- 20. The US and Canada usually hoover up most of the gold medals.
- 美国和加拿大通常夺得大部分的金牌。
- 21. He spent his early life in Sri Lanka before moving to Canada.
- 移居加拿大前,他早年生活在斯里兰卡。
- 22. They beat Canada 4-1 in their last round-robin match at Nagoya in Japan.
- 在上一次在日本名古屋举行的循环赛中,他们以4比1战胜了加拿大。
- 23. In the summer, when we returned to Canada, we revisited this lake at dawn.
- 夏天,我们回到加拿大后,在黎明时分重游了这个湖。
- 24. Australia, New Zealand, and Canada had no colonial conflict with the mother country.
- 澳大利亚、新西兰和加拿大与它们的宗主国之间没有发生过殖民冲突。
- 25. Geneticists in Canada have discovered a clue to the puzzle of why our cells get old and die.
- 加拿大的遗传学家已经发现了解开我们细胞衰老死亡之迷的线索。
- 26. The team needs players who want to play for Canada, not merely any country that will have them.
- 这个队需要愿意为加拿大比赛的运动员,而不仅仅是愿意为任何一个雇用他们的国家去比赛的运动员。
- 27. A recent treaty signed by Russia, Canada and Japan formalized an agreement to work together to stop the pirates.
- 最近由俄罗斯、加拿大和日本签署的一项条约使共同阻止盗版者的协议正式生效。
- 28. The United States and Canada may enter into an agreement that would allow easier access to jobs across the border.
- 美国和加拿大可能达成协议,简化跨国工作程序。
- 29. And by boosting economic prosperity in Mexico, Canada and the United States, it will help us move forward on issues that concern all of us.
- 而且通过推动墨西哥、加拿大和美国的经济繁荣,它将会帮助我们在解决与我们大家有关的问题上取得进展。
- 30. You're from Canada, right?
- 你是加拿大人,对吧?