- 1. The role is played by seventeen-year-old Briton Jane March.
- 那个角色由17岁的英国人简·马奇扮演。
- 2. She did it again one year on at the World Championship in Briton.
- 一年后,在英国举行的世界锦标赛上,她又一次做到了。
- 3. I'm really disappointed, said the Briton.
- 我真的很失望,说:英国人。
- 4. The study found the average Briton only knows two jokes.
- 研究发现,每名英国人平均只知道两个笑话。
- 5. There's a massive conflict of interest, the Briton said.
- 有一个巨大的利益冲突,英国人说。
- 6. John Lloyd was the last Briton to reach a final here, in 1977.
- 上一个英国人在澳网进入决赛还要追溯到1977年的约翰·洛依德。
- 7. Not since the Beatles had a Briton been so popular in the United States.
- 自从甲壳虫乐队中加入了一名英国人,在美国就变得更受欢迎了。
- 8. Among the dead were 18 foreigners, including six Americans and a Briton.
- 死者中有18名外国人,包括6名美国人和1名英国人。
- 9. Fewer than one Briton in five believes official figures are produced objectively.
- 只有不到五分之一的英国人相信官方数据的客观性。
- 10. Falling house prices are anathema in the eyes of the average Briton, or so it seems.
- 对普通英国人来说,房价的降低算是一种诅咒,最起码像是诅咒。
- 11. According to a study, the average Briton believes that youth ends at 35 and old age begins at 58.
- 一项研究表明,英国人普遍认为青年时期在35岁结束,老年时期从58岁开始。
- 12. In 1700 a typical Briton consumed 580 lumen-hours in the course of a year, from candles, wood and oil.
- 在1700年一个普通的英国人一年消耗580流明时燃烧蜡烛、木材和油产生的光。
- 13. In the early 2000s Churchill, Adenauer and DE Gaulle were voted greatest Briton, German and Frenchman.
- 在本世纪初,丘吉尔、阿登纳和戴高乐分别被票选为最伟大的英国人、德国人和法国人。
- 14. According to the Office for National Statistics, the average Briton commutes for 54 minutes every day.
- 根据英国国家统计局的数据,英国人平均每天花在上下班路上的时间为54分钟。
- 15. And while Briton enjoys no monopoly in self-mockery, she does, I feel, consistently push its boundaries.
- 尽管自嘲并非英国的专利,但是我觉得她确实持续不断的推动着自嘲的边界。
- 16. Valerie Austin, a retired Briton from Newcastle who settled in Bugarach 22 years ago who said the alien watchers were.
- 已经定居于此22年的纳瑞·奥斯丁,一个从纽卡斯尔退休的英国人告诉我们说,外星人的参观者正在不断破坏村庄的氛围。
- 17. Mr Browne lost his cabinet seat last year, and a Briton, George Robertson, was secretary-general as recently as 2003.
- 布朗先生在去年失去了自己的内阁席位,而另一位英国人乔治·罗伯逊在最近的2003年就已担任过北约秘书长一职。
- 18. Such is the case of Terry Herbert, an unemployed Briton, who struck gold in a friend's farm in Staffordshire, England.
- 特里·赫伯特(Terry Herbert)就是一个例子,这位失业的英国人到朋友在英国斯塔福德郡的农场那里去挖金子。
- 19. Nor would Daniel James, a 23-year-old Briton whose parents accompanied him to Dignitas last year, have come within its remit.
- 也不会是詹姆斯·丹尼尔,一个23岁的英国人,去年,在他父母的陪同下去了丹尼·特斯。
- 20. Perhaps the xenophobic party boss should read up on his city's history. Vienna's wheel was designed by Walter bassett-a Briton.
- 或许这位“恐外”的领导人应该读一下关于其城市历史的书,呵呵,因为维也纳摩天轮的设计者沃尔特·巴赛特正是一位英国人。
- 21. And the dream of remaking mixed communities was only a partial success, says Andy Bearpark, a Briton who oversaw the Bosnian effort.
- 英国人Andy Bearpark经过监督波斯尼亚的努力后声称,重建融合的社会这一梦想只不过取得部分的成功。
- 22. After jumping aboard the Japanese ship, Briton Giles Lane and Australian Benjamin Potts were detained by the Japanese crew for almost three days.
- 英国人贾尔斯·莱恩和澳大利亚人本杰明·波茨一跳上日本船只的甲板就立即被日本船员扣留,扣留几乎达三天之久。
- 23. This month armed gangs stooped lower than ever by kidnapping toddlers for ransom, including a three-year-old Briton and the son of a prominent chief.
- 本月,武装群伙更是比以前“屈尊降贵”,竟然干起了绑架小孩的敲诈行径,包括了一位三岁英国孩童与一位卓越酋长的儿子。
- 24. The average Briton has 18 close friends and a friendship circle, when all Facebook and other social networking "friends" are included, of 208 people.
- 英国人均拥有18个亲密好友,如果把Facebook和其他社交网络上的“朋友”也包括在内的话,则每人都拥有一个大约有208人的好友圈。
- 25. Latvia is getting tough: last autumn one Briton was banned from going home until his case was heard and his fine paid, another got five days prison.
- 拉脱维亚的情况也很糟糕:去年秋天一名英国人被扣押,直到他的听审会结束并交付了罚金;另一人被拘押5天。
- 26. Sooty was joined in the ranks of the world's weirdest and wackiest achievers by Briton Paul Hunn who scooped the record for the world's largest burp.
- 与黑子一起跻身世界上最为怪异的创纪录者行列的还有一个名叫布赖顿·保罗·哈恩的人,他成为了世界上打嗝声音最为嘹亮的人。
- 27. Sooty was joined in the ranks of the world's weirdest and wackiest achievers by Briton Paul Hunn who scooped the record for the world's largest burp.
- 与黑子一起跻身世界上最为怪异的创纪录者行列的还有一个名叫布赖顿·保罗·哈恩的人,他成为了世界上打嗝声音最为嘹亮的人。