- 1. Still, the Bastille was hated by the people.
- 人们仍然憎恶着巴士底监狱。
- 2. The shadow of the Bastille had fallen on him again.
- 巴士底狱的阴影又一次降临到了他身上。
- 3. Why was Bastille important to the citizens of Paris?
- 为什么巴士底狱对巴黎的市民如此重要?
- 4. People had gathered in Nice for a celebration of Bastille Day.
- 人们聚集在尼斯庆祝法国国庆日。
- 5. Thousands of tourists come to see the remains of the Bastille every year.
- 成千上万的游客参观巴士底狱遗址。
- 6. The IMF was oriented southward for many hours during the Bastille Day storm.
- 巴士底日太空风暴发生期间,IMF有好几个小时都是指向南方的。
- 7. The next logo was for Bastille Day, which is the first logo I did from scratch.
- 下一标识正好是,这是我第一次做标志,从零开始。
- 8. In another verse, the "Great Wall" falling is said to mean the storming of the Bastille.
- 在另一首散文诗里面,“长城”倒下据说是意味着攻占巴士底狱。
- 9. After having kept a prisoner in the Bastille for many years, Dr Manette had recently been set free.
- 曼奈特医生被关在巴士底监狱许多年后,最近获释。
- 10. He holds the speed records both up (5:33) and down (10:42) Eldorado Springs Canyon's Bastille Crack.
- 他还保有eldoradoSprings峡谷中Bastille(巴士底狱)裂缝的速攀记录,上行5小时33分,下撤10小时42分。
- 11. The door slammed, and the carriage drove rapidly away, ascending the quays in the direction of the Bastille.
- 车门又关上,马车向前飞跑,上了河岸向巴士底狱的方向驶去。
- 12. Fireworks burst over the Eiffel Tower during traditional Bastille Day celebrations on July 14, 2011 in Paris.
- 法国国庆日,烟花在艾菲尔铁塔上空绽放,巴黎。
- 13. Bastille Day celebrations erupt in every French city, town, and hamlet9, and among French expatriates10 as well.
- 每一个法国的城市、小镇和村庄都庆祝攻占巴士底狱节,旅居海外的法国侨民也不例外。
- 14. He had been put into prison for no good reason and he had spent 18 years in the Bastille before he was set free.
- 他被无故投进了监狱,并在巴士底狱度过了十八年才被释放。
- 15. In the exercise of his skill, the appearance and the story of the Bastille Captive removed him from all other men.
- 在他救死扶伤之际,当年巴士底囚徒的外表和故事使他远离众人。
- 16. The insurgents invaded the H_tel des Invalides military hospital to seize weapons and then headed for the Bastille.
- 反叛者冲入“荣军院”(军医院)抢夺武器,随后奔向巴士底狱。
- 17. Many French customs and traditions, including the celebration of Bastille Day on July 14, prevailed there for a very long time.
- 许多法国的传统和习惯,包括庆祝巴士底日,都在那里盛行了很长一段时间。
- 18. The procession proceeded, with feverish slowness, from the house of the deceased, by way of the boulevards as far as the Bastille.
- 送葬行列从死者的府邸,以激动而沉重的步伐,经过几条大路,慢慢走到了巴士底广场。
- 19. A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for 20 years.
- 有一位名演员曾在一出极为成功的剧目中扮演一个贵族角色,这个贵族已在巴士底狱被关押了20年。
- 20. At the end of his life, the self-described closet rabbi was still planning his future, including a new work for the Bastille Opera in Paris.
- 这位自称是“闭门造车的犹太老师”的人,在生命的最后阶段还在计划他的将来,其中包括替巴黎的巴士底歌剧院写一部新作。
- 21. Saint Antoine was clamorous to have its wine-shop keeper foremost in the guard upon the governor who had defended the Bastille and shot the people.
- 圣安托万正叹叫着要求它的酒店老板去负责监押那死守巴士底狱、向人民开炮的要塞总监。
- 22. That donjon keep much more pierced with loopholes than with windows; that drawbridge always raised; that portcullis always lowered--is the bastille.
- 只见那座主楼上枪眼比窗户要多得多,那个吊桥总是高高吊起,那道狼牙闸门老是落下,这就是巴士底城堡。
- 23. In France, the Bastille and the Paris Commune are not forgotten, but it is the Pompidou Centre and I.M.Pei's Louvre Pyramid that leave deeper marks in the visitor's mind.
- 在法国,巴士底狱和巴黎公社都是不能被遗忘的地方,但是蓬皮社中心和贝聿铭的卢浮宫金字塔给游客留下了更深的印象。
- 24. In France, the Bastille and the Paris Commune are not forgotten, but it is the Pompidou Centre and I.M. Pei's Louvre Pyramid that leave deeper marks in the visitor's mind.
- 在法国,巴士底狱和巴黎公社都是不能被遗忘的地方,但是蓬皮社中心和贝聿铭的卢浮宫金字塔给游客留下了更深的印象。
- 25. In France, the Bastille and the Paris Commune are not forgotten, but it is the Pompidou Centre and I. M. Pei's Louvre Pyramid that leave deeper marks in the visitor's mind.
- 在法国,巴士底狱和巴黎公社都是不能被遗忘的地方,但是蓬皮社中心和贝聿铭的卢浮宫金字塔给游客留下了更深的印象。
- 26. In France, the Bastille and the Paris Commune are not forgotten, but it is the Pompidou Centre and I. M. Pei's Louvre Pyramid that leave deeper marks in the visitor's mind.
- 在法国,巴士底狱和巴黎公社都是不能被遗忘的地方,但是蓬皮社中心和贝聿铭的卢浮宫金字塔给游客留下了更深的印象。