- 1. Could you run me up to Baltimore?
- 你能开车送我去巴尔的摩吗?
- 2. Departure times are 08:15 from Baltimore, and 10:15 from Newark.
- 从巴尔的摩的出发时间是08:15,从纽瓦克的出发时间是10:15。
- 3. Baltimore in its heyday was a major centre of industrial and commercial activity.
- 巴尔的摩在其鼎盛时期曾是工商业活动的主要中心。
- 4. He moved to the United States in 1990 to live with his son, who had been resident in Baltimore since 1967.
- 他1990年移居美国去和从1967年就住在巴尔的摩的儿子一起住。
- 5. I said, "Well, what time'll I get to Baltimore?" and he said such and such a time but I missed my connection.
- 我说,“那么,我几点会到巴尔的摩呢?”他说了某某时间,可我错过了联运列车。
- 6. Now my older brother is an engineer and I am chief of pediatric neurosurgery at John Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore.
- 现在,我哥哥是工程师,我是巴尔的摩约翰霍普金斯儿童中心的儿科神经外科主任。
- 7. Facing a national blood shortage, physicians in Atlanta, Pittsburgh, New York, Baltimore and Washington moved to postpone nonemergency surgeries.
- 面对全国性血液供应不足的情况,亚特兰大、匹兹堡、纽约、巴尔的摩和华盛顿的医生都推迟了非紧急手术的时间。
- 8. The palimpsest then went through some more tough times, but eventually it ended up in an art auction where was bought and then donated to an art museum in Baltimore, for conservation and study.
- 这份重写本后来经历了一些艰难的时期,但最终,它在一次艺术拍卖会上被买走,然后捐给了巴尔的摩的一家艺术博物馆,用于保护和研究。
- 9. The next train to Baltimore is at ten.
- 下一趟去巴尔的摩的列车十点钟开。
- 10. This train would stop twice more in the suburbs before rolling southeast toward Baltimore.
- 这辆火车在朝东南开往巴尔的摩前将在郊区多停两站。
- 11. Then one weekend I went back to Baltimore.
- 一个周末,我回到了巴尔的摩。
- 12. MARTIN: What time does it arrive in Baltimore?
- 马丁:我要坐6点45分那趟火车,什么时间到达巴尔的摩?
- 13. Neither would the Parker family of Baltimore, Maryland.
- 马里兰州巴尔的摩的Parker一家也不会这么想。
- 14. So, count me in, we can go to Baltimore or anywhere you want.
- 所以把我也算上我们可以去巴尔的摩或去任何你想要去的地方。
- 15. ON OCTOBER 10th the Baltimore Sun will join a fast-growing club.
- 10月10日,《巴尔的摩太阳报》即将加入凶猛成长的付费新闻大军。
- 16. a former military airstrip to the south, and Baltimore in Maryland.
- K过去是军用飞机开往南方的跑道。
- 17. Instead, I went back to Baltimore and moved in with an aunt I barely knew.
- 相反,我回到了巴尔的摩,和一个自己基本不太认识的阿姨住在一起。
- 18. In communities like East Baltimore, every child in your class is at risk.
- 在巴尔的摩东区之类的社区,你班里的每个孩子都随时处于危险之中。
- 19. But she also has a soft side: she teaches a seniors exercise class at her Baltimore church.
- 当然,她也有温柔的一面:在巴尔的摩的教堂里,教当地老年人健身。
- 20. The mousse that you loved in Baltimore might make your hair feel sticky and lanky in Houston.
- 你在巴尔的摩喜欢用的摩丝在休斯敦可能会使你的头发粘在一起,成为一绺一绺的。
- 21. Because when I got to Baltimore to take over this business, first I was replacing the founder.
- 当我去巴尔的摩接手这公司的时候,首先就是要代替公司创始人。
- 22. Baltimore County's public libraries also experience heavy use, said James Fish, their director.
- 巴尔的摩县的公共图书馆也大量吸取经验,主管人詹姆斯·费舍说到。
- 23. Writer Mikey Rox says he and his fiance have had a blast at outdoor movies in NYC and Baltimore.
- 作家米奇·洛斯奇说,他和未婚妻在纽约和巴尔的摩的露天影院玩得很开心。
- 24. Baltimore, for example, has adopted a zero-tolerance policy in dealing with kids who miss school.
- 例如,巴尔的摩在处理失学儿童问题时采取零容忍的政策。
- 25. Revoltingly fat pay packets for OK business managers from Baltimore to Bradford aren't OK either.
- 从美国的巴尔的摩到英国的布拉福德,那些能力一般但工资虚高的企业经理也不能再得过且过。
- 26. Will cities like Brooklyn or Baltimore ever get around to removing all the lead in their soil?
- 像布鲁克林和巴的摩这样的城市,是否应该采取措施将土壤里的铅全部清除掉呢?
- 27. Which is why the Stop Smoking Hypnosis Clinic of Baltimore County will always have paying customers.
- 难怪巴尔的摩郡的催眠戒烟中心总是人满为患了。
- 28. The study was presented Monday at the Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting, in Baltimore.
- 这一研究在周一的巴尔的摩儿科学术年会上发表。
- 29. The study was presented Monday at the Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting, in Baltimore.
- 这一研究在周一的巴尔的摩儿科学术年会上发表。