- 1. At first the merchants of Bagdad and Damascus laughed.
- 一开始巴格达和大马士革的商人们都笑了。
- 2. The caliph of bagdad fly on his magic carpet to Arabia.
- 巴格达的国王驾著魔毯飞到了阿拉伯半岛。
- 3. The caliph of Bagdad flew on his magic carpet to Arabia.
- 巴格达的国王驾着魔毯飞到了阿拉伯半岛。
- 4. Where can I watch The Thief of Bagdad movie online free full stream?
- 我在哪里可以观看电影在线巴格达窃贼免费全速?
- 5. In March 2003, 4 children died from the bomb in the centre of Bagdad, Iraq.
- 2003年3月,4个孩子死于伊拉克巴格达市中心的轰炸。
- 6. The BBC's Bagdad correspondent says there was some parts relative camp in recent month.
- BBC驻巴格达记者称,这与最近几个月的露营有部分关系。
- 7. I was astonished to see him in Bagdad, for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra.
- 在巴格达看到他我感到十分意外,因为今天晚上我要在萨迈拉同他约会。
- 8. The biggest attack was a deadly car bomb in eastern Bagdad timed to coincide with the church service.
- 最大的爆炸袭击是巴格达东部的汽车爆炸事件,时间设定与教堂服务同时进行。
- 9. We lived together in perfect harmony , but I could not forget Bagdad, and planned to make my escape as soon as might be.
- 我们生活得非常融洽,但我不能忘怀巴格达,所以尽可能的计画趁早逃走。
- 10. Now I can promise you, that a Frenchman might show himself in public, either in Tunis, Constantinople, Bagdad, or Cairo, without being treated in that way.
- 我向您保证,一个法国人不论到突尼西亚君士坦丁堡巴格达或开罗去,他尽可以在公众场所露面,而他的周围决不会有人围观的。
- 11. Im an army intelligence analyst, deployed to eastern Bagdad... if you had unprecedented access to classified networks, 14 hours a day, 7 days a week for 8 + months, what would you do?
- 我是一名军事情报分析师,在巴格达东部服役…要是你8个多月里,每周7天,一天14个小时可以不受限制访问机密网络,那你会怎么做?
- 12. I designed, after my first voyage, to spend the rest of my days at Bagdad, but it was not long ere I grew weary of an indolent life, and I put to sea a second time, with merchants of known probity.
- 我计划,在我第一次历险之后,剩下的时间都呆在巴格达,但是没过多久我就对散漫的人生感到厌烦,我第二次出海了,和正直的商人一起。
- 13. I designed, after my first voyage, to spend the rest of my days at Bagdad, but it was not long ere I grew weary of an indolent life, and I put to sea a second time, with merchants of known probity.
- 我计划,在我第一次历险之后,剩下的时间都呆在巴格达,但是没过多久我就对散漫的人生感到厌烦,我第二次出海了,和正直的商人一起。