- 1. I got B plus (B+) in the test.
- 我考试得了个B+。
- 2. I was assigned to B platoon.
- 我被派到B排工作。
- 3. The 'b' in 'lamb' is silent.
- lamb中的b不发音。
- 4. Let x be the sum of a and b.
- 设x为a加b之和。
- 5. The 'b' in lamb is not pronounced.
- lamb中的b不发音。
- 6. I'm giving him a B minus.
- 我打算给他一个B-。
- 7. I got (a) B minus (B-) in the test.
- 这次考试我得了个B-。
- 8. You don't sound the 'b' in the word 'comb'.
- 说comb时字母b不发音。
- 9. Vitamin B assists in red-blood-cell regeneration.
- 维生素B有助于红细胞的再生。
- 10. You are asked to swallow a capsule containing vitamin B.
- 你被要求吞下一颗含维生素B的胶囊。
- 11. The different types are designated by the letters A, B and C.
- 不同的类型分别用字母A、B和C标明。
- 12. Either A or B matches it.
- 不是A与它匹配,就是B与它匹配。
- 13. Draw a line from a to B.
- 从A到B划一条线。
- 14. It would be bad to start out at a B or C.
- 以B或C 的成绩作为起点是不利的。
- 15. Finally, Mr. A called Mr. B a wonderful man.
- 最后A先生称B先生是位出色的人。
- 16. I can read "B".
- 我会读字母“B”。
- 17. People with type B blood are cheerful and outgoing.
- B型血的人开朗外向。
- 18. There's also a restaurant serving hot meals situated on B deck.
- B 甲板上还有一家供应热餐的餐厅。
- 19. The best evidence to date concerns folate, one of the B vitamins.
- 迄今为止最好的证据是叶酸,即维生素B的一种。
- 20. Mr. A was counsel for the plaintiff, and Mr. B for the defendant.
- A先生作原告的辩护人,B先生作被告的辩护人。
- 21. Brother A said he would starve to death; Brother B said he wouldn't.
- 哥哥A说他会饿死;弟弟B 说他不会。
- 22. In the observational studies we found that some of the B vitamins were beneficial.
- 在观察性研究中,我们发现一些维生素B是有益的。
- 23. If Plan A fails, go to Plan B.
- 假如第一方案失败了,就执行第二方案。
- 24. Assume A knows B is guilty.
- 假定甲知道乙应负罪责。
- 25. Shall we go for plan A or plan B?
- 我们采用第一方案还是第二方案?
- 26. That note should be B flat, not B.
- 那个音应该是降B音,而不是B音。
- 27. Let's pretend A meets B in the park.
- 假设甲某和乙某在公园里相遇。
- 28. 'B' is the second letter of the alphabet.
- b是字母表的第二个字母。
- 29. If a = b and b = c it follows that a = c.
- 设a =b,b =c,则a = c。
- 30. The 'b' had been wrongly written as a 'd'.
- b错写成d了。