- 1. It seems Aten is the forerunner of Yahweh.
- 看来,宏正自动科技是先导的雅威。
- 2. All power and wealth is stripped from the Amun priesthood, and the Aten reigns supreme.
- 阿蒙祭司的权力和财富皆被剥夺,阿吞神主宰了一切。
- 3. Funeral services for Internet Explorer Six will be held at 7pm on March 4 at Aten Design Group, 1629 Downing Street, Denver, CO 80218.
- InternetExplorer6的葬礼将于3月4日晚上7点于丹佛市唐宁街1629号爱腾设计举行。
- 4. Then, in 1431, aten-year old king of England, Henry VI, travelled from London to Paristo be crowned king of France in Notre Dame cathedral.
- 1431年,十岁的英格兰国王亨利六世从伦敦前往巴黎,巴黎圣母院加冕他为法兰西国王。
- 5. A, ATEN macro is the scene shows a number of real-time applications in the operation of a wide range of media allocation, control center and IT management solutions.
- ATEN宏正现场展示了多个在实时操作设置中广泛应用的媒体分配、控制中心和IT管理解决方案。
- 6. What we know for sure is that when the curtain opens on Act III, the throne is occupied by a young boy: the nine-year-old Tutankhaten (" the living image of the aten ").
- 等到第三幕时,密闭的帷幕终于又一次拉开了,其时国王王座上端坐着的已是一位少年:九岁的图坦卡吞(tutankhaten:意为阿吞神的形象)。
- 7. His son shook things up even more, not only changing his name to honor the new god (Akhenaten means "one who serves aten") but also banishing the older gods, especially the priestly favorite Amen.
- 他儿子做的更甚。他不仅把自己的名字改为阿肯纳坦(意为阿坦的仆人)以表示对太阳神的敬意,而且不许人们崇拜以往的神灵,特别是教会的至爱阿门神。
- 8. His son shook things up even more, not only changing his name to honor the new god (Akhenaten means "one who serves aten") but also banishing the older gods, especially the priestly favorite Amen.
- 他儿子做的更甚。他不仅把自己的名字改为阿肯纳坦(意为阿坦的仆人)以表示对太阳神的敬意,而且不许人们崇拜以往的神灵,特别是教会的至爱阿门神。