- 1. The men and women of Anglo-Saxon England normally bore one name only.
- 英格兰盎格鲁-撒克逊的男女通常只有一个名字。
- 2. The men and women of Anglo-Saxon England normally bore one name only. Distinguishing epithets were rarely added.
- 盎格鲁-撒克逊人无论男女通常只有一个名字,很少加上用于区分的称呼。
- 3. By the seventh century, the word teon had become interchangeable with the tachund or hund of the Anglo-Saxon language, and so 100 was denoted as hund teontig, or ten times ten.
- 到了7世纪,“teon”这个词就已经可以与安格鲁-撒克逊语言中的“tachund”或“hund”互换了,因此100可以用“hundteontig”或“ten times ten”来表示。
- 4. "Listen, this is a special approach in Anglo-Saxon countries," he said.
- “听着,这是盎格鲁-撒克逊国家的特色,”他说。
- 5. In Anglo-Saxon times a person might be called an earming, wyrmlic or hinderling.
- 在盎格鲁撒克逊人时代,一个人可能被称为earming,wyrmlic或hinderling。
- 6. I'm old. I'm sort of used to thinking of myself a "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant."
- 我已经老了,我已经习惯把自己当作,一个盎格鲁萨克森人的清教徒。
- 7. ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE's Chronicles of the Anglo-Saxon world did not stop with America.
- 亚历克西斯•德•托克维尔的盎格鲁-撒克逊世界探险记并没有停驻在美国。
- 8. Place names, especially for rivers, can be amazingly old, predating the Anglo-Saxon we speak.
- 一些惯用地名,特别是河流的名字都具有非常古老的历史,可以追溯到我们现在的所说盎格鲁撒克逊语(古英语)之前。
- 9. Talk in continental Europe of an "Anglo-Saxon" conspiracy of greedy speculators is also dishonest.
- 欧洲大陆中关于贪婪投机者的“盎格鲁-撒克逊”阴谋论之说也并不可靠。
- 10. Anglo-Saxon economies tend to rely most on income taxes (on wages, profits and capital gains).
- 英语系国家更多的依赖于所得税(即工资所得税,利润所得税以及资本收益税)。
- 11. I grew up in a WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) household, and my wife grew up in a Cuban household.
- 我出生在安格鲁·撒克逊的白人清教徒家庭,而我太太出生在一个古巴家庭。
- 12. Unlike their Anglo-Saxon counterparts, German workers might claw back the recent rise in food and fuel.
- 和他们央格鲁撒克逊的伙伴们不一样,德国工人也许会追回近来食物能源的涨价。
- 13. The extremes of wealth in “Anglo-Saxon” America and Britain had reached levels not seen since the 1920s.
- 在"盎格鲁撒克逊"的美国和英国,财富最多的已达到了二十世纪20年代以来前所未见的水平。
- 14. Scandinavia's schools are expensive, but they are by and large more efficient than their Anglo-Saxon peers.
- 北欧国家学校学费不菲,但大体较英美国家学校效率更高。
- 15. Europe's universities will soon all adopt a uniform Anglo-Saxon system of bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees.
- 很快欧洲的大学将采取英国式统一的本科、研究生及博士培养体系。
- 16. Sweden has long been known for having among the highest level of English language skills outside the Anglo-Saxon world.
- 瑞典一直以盎格鲁-撒克逊世界以外英语水平最高的国家而著称。
- 17. Because English came from two main sources - old French, and old Anglo-Saxon, there is a very large vocabulary of words.
- 因为英语来出自于两种主要语言:古法语和Old Anglo - Saxon,它有极为广泛的词库。
- 18. Even Spain, with its new Anglo-Saxon business culture, tried to stop a German utility from taking over a Spanish power company.
- 甚至西班牙在新盎格鲁萨克森商业文化影响下,也阻止德国公用事业公司插手西班牙电力企业。
- 19. For those farther down the ladder, French companies are hierarchical, holding no truck with Anglo-Saxon notions of “empowerment”.
- 对于处在公司底层的员工来说,法国公司是分等级的,但不同于盎格鲁撒克逊人所谓的“授权”。
- 20. News of the investigation highlighted the gulf that separates the Anglo-Saxon world from what Don Rumsfeld used to call "Old Europe".
- 调查新闻使人们看到盎格鲁撒克逊人(Anglo-Saxon)世界与Don Rumsfeld称作“老欧洲”分离的鸿沟。
- 21. UBS excepted, Switzerland did not indulge in an Anglo-Saxon-style speculative boom over the past decade. But it is suffering nevertheless.
- 瑞银(UBS)除外,过去十年里,瑞士并没有从盎格鲁-撒克逊式的投机热潮中受益,可现在仍受到连累,苦不堪言。
- 22. Anglo-Saxon Barbarians arrive in the exhibition almost as an afterthought, following the Viking invasions in the ninth and tenth centuries.
- 把盎格鲁-撒克逊蛮族的展品拿来展示几乎是继公元9、10世纪北欧海盗入侵之后萌生的想法。
- 23. But such downturns are more severe in countries with the Anglo-Saxon sort of financial system, because their lending is more procyclical.
- 不过对于那些拥有英美式金融体系的国家来说,这种下滑会更加严重,因为他们的信贷行为更加具有顺周期的性质。
- 24. Talk in continental Europe of an “Anglo-Saxon” conspiracy of greedy speculators is also dishonest. The speculators did not invent the deficits.
- 欧洲大陆的盎格鲁-撒克逊人作为投机者也并不诚实,投机者并没有发明赤字。
- 25. English Heritage now plans to apply the technique to another murky era of British history, the early Anglo-Saxon period between 400ad and 700ad.
- 现在英国古迹署计划将此技术应用于英国另一段有着模糊记载的历史年代,即介于公元400年至公元700年的早期盎格鲁-撒克逊时期。
- 26. However, it is probably already too late for the leading Anglo-Saxon economies to escape lightly from the consequences of their property bubbles.
- 然而,主要的英美经济体要想轻易地摆脱房地产泡沫带来的后果,可能有点为时已晚。
- 27. Songwriter and record producer Glen Ballard worked with filmmaker Robert Zemeckis on the upcoming film Beowulf, based on the early Anglo-Saxon saga.
- 在即将上映的电影中,歌曲作者及专辑制作人格伦.巴拉德与制片人罗伯特.泽梅克基斯进行了合作,这部电影是根据盎格鲁撒克逊人的传奇改编的.
- 28. Which is just the sort of meaningless drivel that will make this new economic power fit right in with the business supremos of the Anglo-Saxon world.
- 凭着这类毫无意义的废话,这个新兴经济大国与盎格鲁撒克逊世界的商业巨擘们将会很合得来。
- 29. All this meant that growth in consumer credit regularly outstripped growth in GDP in the Anglo-Saxon countries and saving ratios fell to historic lows.
- 所有这些意味着,消费贷款的规律增长,已经超过了英国gdp的增长,而且存款利率掉到历史最低点。
- 30. All this meant that growth in consumer credit regularly outstripped growth in GDP in the Anglo-Saxon countries and saving ratios fell to historic lows.
- 所有这些意味着,消费贷款的规律增长,已经超过了英国gdp的增长,而且存款利率掉到历史最低点。