- 1. In 1986, The anglo-french channel tunnel treaty signed officially.
- 1986年,英法海峡隧道条约正式签字。
- 2. Will you please explain why the Anglo-French-Soviet talks failed?
- 请你说明一下英法苏谈判为什么没有成功。
- 3. This in turn helped to produce last year's Anglo-French defence agreement.
- 这反过来促成了去年英法防御合作协议。
- 4. It was only after 1204 that Dover found itself in the front line of Anglo-French rivalry.
- 1204年以后,多佛才成为英法对抗的前沿。
- 5. It gives the impression that Anglo-French relations only feature in his mind when the annual summit comes along.
- 它给人们的印象是只有一年一度的最高级会议快要开会时才想起法英关系来。
- 6. The show began with an Anglo-French rout: Costume design went to the British team behind "Elizabeth: the Golden Age."
- 颁奖礼是由英法联军拉开序幕的:最佳服装设计给了《伊丽莎白:黄金时代》的英国团队。
- 7. In 1860, the Anglo-French Allied Forces invaded Beijing and set fire to many of the buildings within the Summer Palace.
- 1860年,英法联军浸略北京,纵火烧毁了这里的大部分建筑。
- 8. Britain CARES about its military prowess, as the brouhaha over this week's Anglo-French defence accord suggests (see article).
- 英国一直在乎自己的军事实力,从本周纷纷扰扰的《英法防卫协定》会议就能看出。
- 9. Capt Gunter, of the Kings Dragoon Guards, seized a number of relics from the emperors' Summer Palace during the Anglo-French allied invasion in 1860.
- 皇家龙骑卫队的钢特上尉在1860年英法联军时,从颐和园带走了许多文物。
- 10. PARIS If the history of Anglo-French relations had begun with the signing of the Entente Cordiale on April 8, 1904, the record would not look too bad.
- 如果英法关系开始于1904年4月8日签署的《友好协议》,那麽两国关系的记录看起来应该不会很糟糕。
- 11. Another likely casualty would be the budding Anglo-French defence treaty, seen by both countries as a way to help themselves continue to punch above their weight.
- 英法防务条约可能是另一个意外受害者,两国把此防务条约视为帮助他们保持超出各自实力的一种方法。
- 12. However, the concession was seized upon by detractors of the NATO-led (but Anglo-French inspired) campaign as a belated attempt to find a way out of the stalemate.
- 但是,该妥协却被诋毁者抓为把柄,看成是以北约为首(英法主导)的战事方最终试图打破在当地的僵局的一种手段。
- 13. The Summer Palace of today is not what it was , just because of a big fire set by the Anglo-French Alied Forces . However , it is more or less the same as the palace rebuilt in 1903 .
- 由于八国联军的一把火,颐和园早已不在是以前的颐和园,但和1903年重建时相比, 没有太大的出入。
- 14. The Anglo-French company rushed to fix the problem it said caused several of its trains to break down: powdery snow that seeped through protective filters and triggered a major engine malfunction.
- 这家英法合资公司一直在抓紧时间解决问题。公司说,导致几辆列车瘫痪的原因是:粉状降雪渗透到保护过滤器中,引发引擎出现了严重故障。
- 15. The French are usually more skilled players of Brussels hardball than the British, despite excitable and largely forgotten talk of an "Anglo-Saxon takeover" of the EU a few years ago.
- 尽管几年前出现“盎格鲁-撒克逊接管”欧盟这个让人激动,又淡忘的言论,法国比英国在玩转布鲁塞尔硬式棒球上更有技巧。
- 16. For those farther down the ladder, French companies are hierarchical, holding no truck with Anglo-Saxon notions of "empowerment". And bosses are more distant than ever.
- 对于那些更底层的员工来说,法国企业是等级森严的,与安格鲁·撒克逊“权力下放”观点大相径庭,而且老板和员工的距离也十分疏远。
- 17. Born Lucie-Henriette Dillon in Paris's fashionable rue du Bac and descendant of French and Anglo-Irish aristocrats, Lucie was a woman of intellect, culture and learning.
- 露西·亨利·耶特•狄伦出生在巴黎繁华的巴克大街,是法国和盎格鲁-爱尔兰贵族的后代,她睿智、风雅又博学。
- 18. For those farther down the ladder, French companies are hierarchical, holding no truck with Anglo-Saxon notions of “empowerment”.
- 对于处在公司底层的员工来说,法国公司是分等级的,但不同于盎格鲁撒克逊人所谓的“授权”。
- 19. Sure enough the Oxford English Dictionary traces mess back to Anglo-Norman and Old French before that.
- 果真,《牛津英语词典》将mess一词的来源追溯至盎格鲁-诺曼语和之前的古法语。
- 20. Even the name has an ancient pedigree - it is derived from both the old French word for crust (crouste), and the Anglo-Norman ‘crustarde’, which meant a tart or pie with a crust.
- 甚至连“蛋挞”这一名字也有着古老的渊源——“蛋挞”来源于“酥皮”(crust)的法语词“crouste”和盎格鲁诺尔曼语词“crustarde”,“crustarde”意思是带酥皮的蔬菜、水果或肉馅饼。
- 21. Because English came from two main sources - old French, and old Anglo-Saxon, there is a very large vocabulary of words.
- 因为英语来出自于两种主要语言:古法语和Old Anglo - Saxon,它有极为广泛的词库。
- 22. These include Spotify, an Anglo-Swedish music-streaming service with more than 10m registered users, and Vente Privée, a French clothing discounter with annual revenue of some $1 billion.
- 其中就包括英国-瑞典的Spotify公司,该网站提供音乐流服务,并且有超过1000万的注册用户,另外就是Vente Privée公司,这是一家法国服装折扣网店,每年的营业额约为10亿美元。
- 23. The Norman Conquest brought a new ruling class to Anglo-Saxon England and a new language to the culture for the next 300 years - Norman French.
- 诺曼底人给昂贵路-萨克逊统治的英格兰带来了一个新的统治阶层,也给这个国家随后300年的文化带来了一种新的语言,即诺曼底法语。
- 24. No, even if not to London, I would infer, after following the Anglo-Saxons, in English history is a deep mark on the north-west from the Norman French.
- 不,即使没去伦敦,我也会推理出继盎格鲁撒克逊人之后,在英国历史上留下深深印记的是来自法国西北部的诺曼人。
- 25. Feminist literary criticism could be pided into Anglo-American feminism and French feminism basically. The author introduces the main representatives' viewpoints of the two Schools.
- 现代女性主义文学批评基本上分为英美派和法国派,作者简要介绍了这两个派别主要代表人物的观点。
- 26. For more than 300 years, French barons ruled over the Anglo-Saxons, bringing over a higher culture, including court manners, chivalry, ways of dress and eating.
- 其后法国贵族陆续来到英国,统治盎格鲁撒克逊人300余年。他们带来较高的文化,如宫廷礼仪、骑士制度、服饰、饮食等等。
- 27. The article emphatically talks about main characteristics of the Anglo-American school and the French school and a comparison between the two schools.
- 本文着重论述了英美派与法国派的主要特征以及二者的比较关系。
- 28. Middle English was neither French nor Anglo-Saxon; it was a completely different language combined of both.
- 中世纪英语既不是法语,也不是盎格鲁•撒克逊语,它是两种语言结合后形成的一个全然不同的语言。
- 29. Middle English was neither French nor Anglo-Saxon; it was a completely different language combined of both.
- 中世纪英语既不是法语,也不是盎格鲁•撒克逊语,它是两种语言结合后形成的一个全然不同的语言。