Casus fortuitus

  • 翻译:意外事变


1)Casus fortuitus,意外事变2)Casus maior,意外事变3)incident,意外(事变)4)accident,意外5)suddenness,意外6)abrupt,意外7)contingency,意外事故8)fire accident,意外失火9)injury,意外伤害10)accidental draft,意外牵伸


Analysis of accidents after tracheotomy and the treatment and prevention;


The instant finding, seizing the opportunity in good time and fully playing on spot in the observation of the accident form the trilogy of the extempore interview.


Therefore,college sports contingency are more often caused constantly.


During the process of a second removal of ice blockage,a fire accident occurred due to the leakage of oil and gas from the sealed auger and the attritional fire caused by a blunt drill head,Two technicians were seriously injured and many p.


07 /10\+5,which was the first leading cause of injury death.

结果 交通事故标化死亡率为 10 0 7/ 10万 ,属意外伤害死亡的首位。

This article studied economic burden of child injury,described current situation of child injury study in China,and provided recommendations to future studies.


80/100 000,injury rate was 17.

目的 探讨大连市交通事故意外伤害的高危人群、高危车种和高发时间 ,以揭示大连市车祸发生的主要影响因素。

By comparative analysis of the factors causing thin place,conclusion is made that accidental draft is the main reason causing thin place in spinning process,with the direct affection of CV value.

7tex纱细节多的主要原因在于纺纱过程中的意外牵伸 ;而且细节直接影响条干CV值。
