- scofflaw
- scofflaw: [20] Aside from proprietary names and some scientific terms, it is rare for words that are pure human inventions (rather than naturally evolved forms) to make a permanent place for themselves in the English language, but scofflaw is a case in point. In the US in the early 1920s, in the middle of the Prohibition years, one Delcevare King of Quincy, Massachusetts offered a prize of $200 for a word to denote someone who defied the law and consumed alcohol.
Over 25,000 suggestions were received from America and around the world. In January 1924 King announced his chosen winner: scofflaw, a simple combination of scoff [14] (probably of Scandinavian origin) and law. Two people had submitted it (Henry Irving Dale and Kate L. Butler), and they shared the prize. Whether because or in spite of its homespun transparency, the word caught on, and survives in America to this day, albeit somewhat broadened out in meaning: specific reference to illicit drinkers is no longer in much demand, but it is now used for someone who flouts any law.
- scofflaw (n.)
- 1924, from scoff (v.) + law (n.). The winning entry in a national contest during Prohibition to coin a word to characterize a person who drinks illegally, chosen from more than 25,000 entries; the $200 winning prize was split between two contestants who sent in the word separately: Henry Irving Dale and Miss Kate L. Butler. Other similar attempts did not stick, such as pitilacker (1926), winning entry in a contest by the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to establish a scolding word for one who mistreats animals (submitted by Mrs. M. McIlvaine Bready of Mickleton, N.J.).
1917年,美国国会决定使美国成为一个禁酒国( dry country)。为了将禁酒作为法律规定下来,必须相应地修改宪法。于是,国会最后通过了所谓《第十八号修正案》。这项修正案经全国四分之三的州通过,于三年后生效,开始实施。从此,酒在全国范围内遭到严禁。
与此同时,反对者的暗中反抗也开始了。嗜酒者认为,禁酒法触犯了他们的公民权。既然公开饮酒违犯禁令,那只好暗地里喝。既然酒在市场已全然绝迹,何不自己酿造?走私贩也趁此机会从外国运进这种违禁品,在秘密俱乐部出售。这种秘密俱乐部大多防范极严,不认识守门的,不通过门上小窗口轻声说句诸如“乔派我来的。”(Joe sent me.)之类的暗语,是进不去的。自禁酒法实行以后,此类名为“俱乐部”的非法酒店( speakeasy)在美国各地犹如雨后春笋般地出现。日子一久,人们就不再把禁酒法放在眼里了。
直至近几年,scofflaw在美国报刊上才再度出现。纽约市一位名叫John Murtagh的交通法庭法官(traffic court judge)用scofflaw 一词来形容那些把车子停放在“禁止停车处”而又拒绝按传票交罚金的人,从而把这一几乎被遗弃的词又带回到美国人日常生活之中。scofflaw的词义没有发生什么变化,当年用来指违反禁酒法者,而今天亦可用以指违反交通规则者及其他各种违犯法令者。
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:scofflaw 词源,scofflaw 含义。